Browser extensions

John @ S4

Active member
I just installed a web browser on a new device and realised that I actually use more browser extensions on a daily basis than I realised.

I basically have the same set (or alternatives with similar function) installed across each of the browsers that I use most frequently:

Bitwarden - Password manager.
Coil - Web micro monetization.
ColorPick Eyedropper - Yep, it's a colour picker.
GoFullPage - Full page screen capture and save as image or pdf.
HTTP/2 and SPDY indicator - Does just what it says, identifies protocols a site uses, also includes QUIC.
Terms of Service Didn't Read - Displays a privacy grade for sites with known TOS.
The Green Web - Displays if a site is hosted green, according to the Green Web Foundation.

What browser extensions do you always have installed and running?
Here it is browser dependant but on my main Safari Browser:

Evernote Clipboard
Lastpass - Shame on me for this one. Time is the only factor why I haven't yet run away.

that's it.

On Chrome which is more website oriented:

IP Whois & Flags - so I know which server I'm on while debugging
Tag Assistant
AlexaRank Traffic Rank

Now from your post, I'll expand my number of extensions with HTTP/2 and SPDY indicator and I can think of a few more checks to do which would save me some time.
From a design and marketing end of things, we probably have a different selection, but here are some of the extensions (not all are enabled all the time, sometimes just for specific times);

  • Grammarly
  • Awesome Screenshot (and video)
  • Facebook Pixel Helper
  • Tag Assistant
  • Zoom Scheduler
  • Hootsuite
  • Page Analytics
  • Page Ruler
  • CSS Used
  • BuiltWith
  • Various SEO plugins (ahrefs, semrush, woorank, amr)
    Various YouTube Keyword Tools (keywords everywhere, youtube tags, tubebuddy, VidIQ)
When I used Chrome, I used Pocket and a screenshot making extension.
Since switching to Safari about a year ago, I keep it clean.

Edit: Actually, I am lying, I installed Instapaper as the only extension, but hardly even use it.