Breezi Support stinks


Well-known member
We are a partner for Breezi site builder.

three weeks ago a client informed me that Breezi was not working from their cPanel, so i checked and conformed this with all cPanel.

I then emailed breezi about this and got no reply, so several days later i sent a second email and still no reply, so decided to post the issue on their Facebook page and again no reply.

So i then posted on their FB page and by email that if they wont reply i will be removing Breezi from my servers as no good having it on the servers if it does not work.

It was only then i got a reply

MAY 09, 2014 | 08:20AM CDT
Mike replied:

We are very sorry to hear that. Thank you for the feedback we are working around the clock to fix the issues from the cpanel plug in.
Thank you
I'm here to help!

fine, so i replied saying that if they have a plugin problem then why did they not reply and say this or even post this on their website or facebook page.

their only reply to this was to block me from their facebook page (how childish), especially when all i wanted as a Breezi partner was an issue fixed.
Some people don't understand the need for good service and support. Some companies like to think because they have a good amount of clients that they can do as they please and not have to worry anymore. Sorry for your troubles, you are better off finding a different site-builder.
Some people don't understand the need for good service and support. Some companies like to think because they have a good amount of clients that they can do as they please and not have to worry anymore. Sorry for your troubles, you are better off finding a different site-builder.

I had both Breezi and Trendy flash builder , so still have a site builder available to clients.

i cant see why they would act so childish when all i asked was


I have had a client say that breezi does not work in cpanel, so i checked and attached a screenshot of what i get when i open Breezi in cPanel

which is a simple support request
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Laziness and lack of caring is a major problem in this industry. Also, ego can probably be thrown up there as well in the major problem category.

No matter how small or big the request is, the owner or tech should always be courteous and respectful to the client.
Laziness and lack of caring is a major problem in this industry. Also, ego can probably be thrown up there as well in the major problem category.

No matter how small or big the request is, the owner or tech should always be courteous and respectful to the client.

all that would have been needed was a reply saying 'sorry we are looking into it' then at least you know they have read your issue, but being Ignorant and then when i say i have removed their product from my servers they through their toys out of their pram and block me from their FB page ( most likely to stop me telling others what sort of company they are)
i am now 100% sure that Breezi is run by a 1 man ( or should i say spotty immature child)

his latest reply.

Easyhost Support
Subject: removed breezi

MAY 12, 2014 | 08:30AM CDT
Mike replied:

Thank for the feedback,

I will check what happened on Facebook and check if you are truly blocked. Thank you for your feedback we will take this into account in order to keep improving.

Thank you
I'm here to help!

MAY 11, 2014 | 09:21AM CDT
Easyhost replied:
all i ever wanted was the cpanel issue fixed and rather than reply to my emails you block me from your FB page
I wouldn't be surprised if it was a one-man show. Most internet start ups are one-man. Hell, majority of the web hosting field are one-man operations.

I don't like when someone is two-faced. He shows you his true colors and then in a support ticket says he is sorry it happened and will look into the matter. Like he did it, what is there to look into? lol
I wouldn't be surprised if it was a one-man show. Most internet start ups are one-man. Hell, majority of the web hosting field are one-man operations.

I don't like when someone is two-faced. He shows you his true colors and then in a support ticket says he is sorry it happened and will look into the matter. Like he did it, what is there to look into? lol

basically he blocked me on FB, so it would remove my negative comments and nothing else. even if he unblocked me i would leave more neg comments, but i would not add his software back on any of my servers