Excuse me,
bermuda, but I was wondering if you didn't mean
register instead of
buy in your post?
I personally believe that the prices of domains should not be the best measurement to tell how some good companies are actually. For example, even if you buy domains at prices like $15 or $20 a year but stick to some solid firms operating on the net for years and without getting into possible problems is much better than trying to save some single dollars online.
I would have to assume you did, given the topic of the thread and that some domain name purchases can be in the hundreds of dollars, if not more.
So on the assumption you were indicating that a firm charging 20 dollars a year for registering a domian name is not a problem, I respectfully disagree. I say if a firm needs to do that to stay afloat, best to stay away from them. That's just a ripoff, plain and simple.
As for how long a company has been in business, that has some validity, but I still think one needs to keep a sharp eye out for that sudden unexplainable shift in attitude in such areas as customer service because I know of at least one computer manufacturer that 5 years ago was considered great and now is worrying a whole lot of folks. If it can happen to them, it can happen to anyone. A lot of new customers are showing up on that company's website's forum and writing things like, "If I had only checked here first, ..."
So just because a company has been around a long time doesn't necessarily mean one should take anything for granted. You know what Tarzan preaches, don't you? Even monkeys fall from trees.
I reckon the best method for researching is to read what's posted in communities like this one and pay attention to trends. If the positive comments are recent posts, good. Bad reviews a year ago, but good now; find out why. Good reviews a year ago, but bad now; stay away.
But twenty buckaroos to register a domain name for one year is about ten buckaroos too much.