Best iOS Mail App


HD Community Advisor
Staff member
I would like some suggestions on which iOS email app is the best, what is everyone using?

A good chunk of my emails are time sensitive and it seems a lot of apps aren't good at handling IMAP, for example:

Outlook - A bug seems to have existed for years within Outlook where push notifications aren't sent when using IMAP
Apple Mail - The best I've tried so far but it will only check in every 15 minutes.
Gmail - Looking to avoid using Gmail as I have a couple of gmail personal accounts and don't want to mix personal and business within the same app.

So, any ideas on the best email app? I've tried a quick Google but everyone seems to suggest the three I've just mentioned.
If you have time sensitive notifications, I highly recommend utilizing something such as Pushover. You can setup email addresses with controls OR use their easy to use API and send lots of options. I've been using their service for free for years and love it.
I am obsessed with email. That remains to be my number 1 work tool. Although Telegram is creeping in pretty darn close.

Proton Mail for how clean and familiar the UI turns out to be
Spark is a popular option that is often name dropped in articles on the subject
Shortwave recently discovered app that has been on my try-it list
If you have time sensitive notifications, I highly recommend utilizing something such as Pushover. You can setup email addresses with controls OR use their easy to use API and send lots of options. I've been using their service for free for years and love it.

Interesting - I will take a look at this.

Proton Mail for how clean and familiar the UI turns out to be

Does the Proton Mail app allow for adding external accounts? I don't want to look at moving my email to another provider, I'd rather a app that just works cleanly with IMAP with push notifications faster than 'up to' 15 minutes.

Most of the time if a service offers Slack integration then I'll push time sensitive info to a Slack channel but some services I use seem to only offer email.
Spark.... 100% spark. IOS, Android, Windows, MacOS, it's all there

Best part, really is one login is all that's needed. Ok, that means they're storing login info somewhere, so maybe that's not ideal, but when you have multiple devices. dozens of email accounts, multiple OS'es.... I just got tired of having to change passwords, or host info on every single one.