backing up sites


New member
does anyone know of somewhere i can back up the sites i host at another server for a cheap cost? i have a server at and their backup weekly is 100 a month...kinda i was just wondering..,
Best thing would be to either get a server elsewhere with cheaper backups .. or maybe a cheap server somewhere then FTP everything over when you want to back it up (Might be slower and more expensive than if the backup was done over a private/internal LAN but it should still work).
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We got a server at ev1 - with our normal setup, it takes 3 'full' servers to 'fill' a 3hdd cheapie celeron. So we use rsync to pull the changed files over only, as well as server config files, etc..

Might be more than you're willing to spend, however...

i dunno...

Backing up clients information should be a necessity when talking about recovey and disaster protection. I know that at our company we don't charge anything for backing up clients info. You may consider this point when selecting a new host.
Well, in this case he is the host :) There are lots of hosts out there with 'backup' plans available though, so if the data is small enough, he might consider that...
How much storage do you need backed up per month? Also, do you want it backed up to online storage or tape?