Attitude - How does it affect your business


HD Moderator
Staff member
I wrote this some years ago, but I continue to see where attitude affects customer churn.

Attitudes become either the positive or negative culture of a business. They can be contagious in either direction. Have you ever heard the saying that it only takes one bad apple to spoil the cart? Or the squeaky wheel is the one that gets the most attention?

Poor attitudes are the primary reason for customer churn across all industries. Attitudes begin from the top on down to every last member of a business, from the board of directors to the mail-room clerk. The success of any business depends on the combined efforts of its personnel.

Just because a client does not complain does not mean they're a satisfied customer. When was the last time you asked them if you had exceeded their expectations?

What are your thoughts on how attitude affects your business?
Just like regular doctor checkups, temperature checks with clients should be done on a regular basis.

With any business at scale, it's often the reactions of the front-line employees that can make or break a relationship. Spot checking tickets or live chats are a step that management should take on a regular basis.

When I ran live chats, I would often shadow a live chat that a staff member was having with a client, and provide feedback in real time should it be needed.

While surveys are something I never used myself, it's pretty much common place these days. I rather prefer a personalized email sent out to a client, and I usually get a better response rate too.