Are you organized???

Im just wondering how much work you guys do on the backend of running a business. I know I am a complete 'need **** in order and need it done now' type of person.

I print out copies of all my customers invoices after I have sent them out. Then when they pay I write "Paid on dd/mm/yyyy Amount :$" then I file it away in their folder. I donno why I do this I just like things on paper too. I dont like the whole idea of having everything automated and that being the only thing you rely on.

I also make sure I print out invoices to my own company and file those away too. I also print out weekly stats of sales, projection sales, business expesnse... all that good stuff. I like to highlight areas that the business can work on, and track our budget.

I also have a binder with my hosting plans all laminated and layouts of the backbones our servers are on, business cards, etc... you never know when you are going to bump into your next client.

What do you guys do? Are any of you crazy like me? Or do you just rely on billing software to do everything?
Hehe Jonathan, I dont think I do as much as you but I do quite a lot.
I have created a database with access which stores most of my info on clients, accounts, domains hosted, income, expenses etc. and Im working on that at the minute so I can enter my information a lot quicker, pull up records quicker and just make it a lot easier to use really.

I also print out invoices of everything and file it away because I dont like thinking that everything is controlled by a program that could go wrong, that way I have a hard copy of everything if its needed anytime.

If I have a hard copy I can also work on things without having to be on the computer, I get distracted very easily when Im online :)

What do you put on your invoices when you print them?
What do you use to do them?Do you just type it out yourself in word, or use a template in word, use a database or special invoice program?

I was always interested to know how other people run the backbone of their business so thanks for creating this thread :)
Ah right, how long have you been using WHMAutoPilot?
Do you think its good?
What did you do before you had that?
I know quite a lot of people are using that now but I havent tried it out yet, have to check out a demo sometime soon :)
WHM Autopilot requires you have either a reseller account or root access on a machine that is running cpanel/whm. It is a great utility. I just purchased this software 2 weeks ago and it is great. It has helped me organized my clients better... project my income for the month and also has about 50 premade email templates for almost any situation, so you can email your clients with ease.

It also has this option where you can printout copies of peoples invoices... which is nice because I file a hard copy of those just incase the software/machine goes down.
Wow Jonathan, you do ALOT for your company, which is a great thing, I am sure you will go far with your company, no doubt in my mind.