Are there any Perldesk Resellers?


New member

I was wondering, if you knew any Perldesk Resellers that might lower the price or take PayPal (Since my Credit Card hasn't arrived yet)

Thanks :)
I don't know about any resellers...but have you tried emailing the developer and asking if he will accept Paypal? He used to, oh...almost three years ago.

H'm. So the policy might've changed since then. :rolleyes:
HadleyHost said:
Maybe you can get someone through here to do it for you using their credit card if you pay via paypal

Well, that is a good Idea, but I'm not the kind of person that likes to ask that kind of thing to others.

I guess I will have to wait until I receive my new card :(

btw; I emailed Sales @ 3 Days now- guess what no-answer :)
Lesli said:
And if they take this long to answer questions, how might their support be?


Heh... true

It is a nice software.

I finally got a Hold on John (the owner) and he is a friendly person. Got my license 5 Mins after my payment. Currently running on

And my card arrives in 10 Days.