Anyone here with Stardevelop Live Help?

Never heard of it.... how muchy was the license? i was looking at a few live support options for later on down the road so I can have support staff in different time zones. i dont think online support is worth investing in right now... 2 operator licenses would run $100 a month... Might as well get a toll free number and only page $25 a month + 15cents a minute
Vovex Technology said:
Never heard of it.... how muchy was the license? i was looking at a few live support options for later on down the road so I can have support staff in different time zones. i dont think online support is worth investing in right now... 2 operator licenses would run $100 a month... Might as well get a toll free number and only page $25 a month + 15cents a minute

Live Help order now
star develop's MySQL, PHP Live Help product is now available to order for a low introductory offer of only US$44.95 normally priced at US$89.95. This offer will only be available until the official release of Live Help 2.5. This introductory offer includes the following:

introductory offer

- MySQL, PHP Live Help software/scripts
- Win32 Downloadable Client
- FREE unlimited future upgrades
- Download within 24hrs of purchase
- Single Commercial Site License
- Requires PHP version 4.1.0+
- Live Help Installation (additional US$15)
- Exclusive feature list
- Priority Customer Support
- Access to Support Forums

optional Live Help extras
Please tick the selction box below if you require our staff to Install Live Help on your behalf (additional US$15):
Optional Installation: