Anyone here design high quality websites - With experience/proof/portfolio

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New member
I am looking for a designer to do a template for a webdesign site.
The template must include high quality graphics and should include flash.
A logo must also be included in the template and it must be brandable.
I am after very high quality work and want to know if any members on HR are able to do this for me before I go anywhere else - like to keep work for people I know ;)

You must have some example work that I can view that shows your high quality designs.

I need a main page template plus the template edited for subpages, including images for the pages, I need icons unique for a lot of pages, if you view my current site you can see that a lot of pages have unique icons.

Please include your past work/experience in your reply plus you can also do a quote or ask for more information if needed.
Also, please include the time scale to complete the work.

Yes this is for a redesign for rnhost.
Going to be opening another part to rnhost soon and I would like to get the main site redesigned :)
The current design is a custom design too but I would like to get a more corperate style.
They are using a template from templatemonster on their site, have seen it on a few different sites, doesn't inspire confidence in their design skills hehe.
I have a layout plan in my head and I think it could be great looking, but I just need to find the right person/company to put it into action for me.
Have a design sketch done but I'm not the best to design graphics/layouts etc. so need someone to do the hard work.
maxhest said:
Yeah, I did I liked your site a lot :)

Well, thats Good but I don't think it is OK, to take that without permission. And I know you as a Mod in here what was the problem in asking for permission.

Now, if you paid them to do your site. Why that can't be a site that is Custom and not taken from Our Site wich is custom made and no-one has it, well at least that is what I thought.

Now, can I ask you politely to ask your "Pretty God, Paid Designers" to do a Custom site for you?
I don't want to close this thread but this is not the place for this conversation to take place.
Especially from moderators on the forum.
Please take this to PM if there are any problems as it is not related to the original question.

John Diver said:
Site not found Max, are you sure that's the right name/site?

That link is working, but there is a message on there explaining that they're redesigning their site.
Ah working here now too.
Need to see a portfolio first though from any designers, not just to see if they are good, but also they style of design they do.
A lot of designers are great, but don't do the style I am after
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