
But have actually come out and said that they would charge any customers who want to transfer just so they can retrieve their data?

managed can't do anything or they will open theirselves to a lawsuit from AN.
The month payment is being requested from AN to their customers so they will release their data, they must also pay that if they want the server to go into the hands of managed. Until then, managed can't do a thing because of the situation.

That is why I think AN should get what is coming to them...they are trying to take even more money from the customers they have let down when they can easily just let them get their data. I doubt managed would charge the customers to get their data back either, it is simply making the company look bad if they did that.

I wouldn't hang around as some seem to be doing in the hope they would get their data back, I'd be hunting for another provider the instant I discovered the server had been un-plugged.

Then at least you maybe able to retain most of your customers instead of waiting for 4 days and loosing them all.

The problem is that you won't have any customers if all their data is on the servers they got from AN in DC..they won't have data, or recent data for their sites. I am sure this will cost companies a lot of money, most companies have in their TOS they are not responsible for loss of data though.

Still doesn't help them losing so many customers..
What a extorsion!! Read this email they sent me this morning! :help:

We need to hear from all of you. When you email please send your email to (only reponses to

our email, he cannot help with anything else you may have trouble with). Also remember to include your IP address

and name as well as any specific instructions as per the sections.

Please read this all to be clear, emails not responded to properly will be filtered out so we can gather the info

and get servers back online as fast as possible starting a few hours from now. Do not CC it to other email

addresses, it just adds to the junk mail we already have and ensures legit emails will not get responded to (IE

sales and billing etc).

Note: those that sent payment to should have your money back soon to act accordingly.

Cancelling? please see bottom sections.

California ( location)

For those staying

Issues between and AN have been resolved, once the below requirements are met there will be no further

issues and your server(s) will be online again Thursday.

Send an email to with the subject line "Staying". Include your IP(s) and name and company.

You will need to send one months payment to to get your server back up (this is the same

whether you stay with us or switch to managed directly). Since people have seen fit to tie up our regular account set up this account on our behalf and payments for servers made to this address will be taken out

directly by, not us, to cover your server.

Those who want to switch to directly.

Send an email to with the subject line "switch to managed". Include your IP(s) and name and


You will need to send one months payment to to get your server back up (this is the same

whether you stay with us or switch to managed directly). Since people have seen fit to tie up our regular account set up this account on our behalf and payments for servers made to this address will be taken out

directly by, not us, to cover your server.

Texas. We are not seriously in arrears and overdue there but to ensure we don't end up that way and also to assure

them they will get their money payments will be sent directly to them.

For those staying

Send an email to with the subject line "Staying in Texas". Include your IP(s) and name and


You will need to send one months payment to

Those who want to switch to TMS directly.

Send an email to with the subject line "switch to TMS". Include your IP(s) and name and


You may need to send one months payment to Jose will take this up with you each

individually if need be.

Please keep your replies to your IP's and decisions etc, do not ask questions in the email as Kevin cannot and will

not answer them, his job is to compile the list so we can have things taken care of accordingly. Do not CC other

addresses as it just makes for more email for us to go through and most likely it will get deleted.

If you are cancelling outright and want your data.

You will need to pay one month regardless (if your server is offline) to get it turned back on.

If you are cancelling and do not want your data: see Refunds below.

Prepaid months: Will be honoured as we can honour them, same as free months, but only a few people at a time while

we ensure the stability of this company. Once this current issue is behind us there should be no further problems.


Those cancelling and entitled to refunds please send an email to Kevin with the subject line of "cancel". These

will be noted and a list put together and refunds you are entitled to will be handled as we have the funds to send

them to you. Refunds will be processed on a first come first server basis. Those refusing to cancel PayPal disputes

will have them cancelled out by paypal themselves since you are filing under false pretenses (the dispute process

is for shipped goods, not the use of a server which comes under the heading of a service, not shipped good). PayPal

disputes only delay our ability to refund people and those refusing to cancel them on their own will only delay

their own refunds as we will not be able to access the funds needed to process your refund. Those who co-operate

will be refunded from a seperate account.

For those cancelling, time is of the essence. If your server is down (at managed) you will need to pay one month to

get it back up. This is not our choice but we have no say in that anymore. Note that neither managed nor ourselves

guarantee your data. This is out of our hands so we can do nothing to help you recover data if you do not

co-operate with us and the agreement we've been able to make.

I'm going to see if I can work out an extra clause for that but to ensure the safety of your data we need your

co-operation and speedy response.

Further information will be sent in the days to come for those that will require it etc but the faster the

responses and payments the faster your server can be put back online.


Angel Networkz

Ridiculous, Completely ridiculous
Will be honoured as we can honour them, same as free months, but only a few people at a time while

we ensure the stability of this company. Once this current issue is behind us there should be no further problems.

A few at a time? I would say they have a lot of people with this...does that mean its going to take up to a year for them to get what they were offered :eek:

If your server is down (at managed) you will need to pay one month to get it back up. This is not our choice but we have no say in that anymore. Note that neither managed nor ourselves guarantee your data.

Not their choice :eek: :eek: It is their fault nevermind choice.
The customers shouldn't be made to pay for their managerial mistakes. They should be footing the bill for their mistakes.

I'm not even a customer but I think this is totally wrong on AN's part. The top level management should be giving up the sport cars and other things they have been getting from the money they made through AN to foot these bills. If they had a $70,000 bill, they obviously had a lot of money going through the place, meaning they would have been paying themselves a lot.
I would still like to know where the money has gone that the customers paid...
Oh dear looks like the situation is getting worse. I knew that TMS were about to pull the plug as well, but it appears some deal has been struck.

I really cannot see how Angel Networkz are going to come back from this. They already have a dodgy reputation for payments at other DCs.

I think people are now just kidding themselves that this company will ever change.

So can someone explain to me where all of the clients money has gone to?

I would have thought they take a salary from it for the support staff and themselves enough so they don't plunge the company into the red and of course pay the DC bills, taxes to the relevant authorities etc. So there shouldn't be any difficulties in paying the DC Bills, even if Angel Networkz do have clients that don't pay on time.

Sounds like they've been greedy and taken too much out of the company. Or their service has been so poor that they're constantly giving out refunds.
Maybe Donna spent the money in a cirjury to make her beatiful :lol:

I'm so depresed that I don't want to post a long reply about it, I'm just like :curse: :confused: :coffee: :(
I am so glad I decided not to go with AN when I was in the market 2 months ago. I just had a bad feeling with the name and the way how they were doing business. One of the reasons - the name ending on "z". It sounded like Warez to me ;). A legit business should have a decent name in my opinion.

Anyway - it's really sad that the screw up of one company puts so many other businesses in limbo. I'd just pay the one more month, get the server up, grab my data and run ....

rwaforums said:
I would have thought they take a salary from it for the support staff and themselves enough so they don't plunge the company into the red and of course pay the DC bills, taxes to the relevant authorities etc. So there shouldn't be any difficulties in paying the DC Bills, even if Angel Networkz do have clients that don't pay on time.

It could be any number of reasons. However, if they banked on getting clients to pay on time and kept letting things slide and didn't know how to "be the heavy", or didn't want to suspend any clients for fear of losing future income, they could have gotten themselves so close to the edge that they leaped right over.

Working in something where you never meet your clients has caused many hosting companies to be too harsh. There's also the opposite pole, though. I have actually had business clients try to use the "well, if I move someplace else that's no more recurring income from all the clients I bring you!!!" argument. I calmly told one such client that the suspensions would go forward unless the (now-almost-30-days) invoices were paid before the approaching deadline. Said client was invited to download all her five clients' files and go find another Windows host before the accounts were suspended. Funny, but the payments came in at the eleventh hour. (This was also not the first time that late payments were made.)
rwaforums said:
Oh dear looks like the situation is getting worse. I knew that TMS were about to pull the plug as well, but it appears some deal has been struck.

I really cannot see how Angel Networkz are going to come back from this. They already have a dodgy reputation for payments at other DCs.

I think people are now just kidding themselves that this company will ever change.

So can someone explain to me where all of the clients money has gone to?

I would have thought they take a salary from it for the support staff and themselves enough so they don't plunge the company into the red and of course pay the DC bills, taxes to the relevant authorities etc. So there shouldn't be any difficulties in paying the DC Bills, even if Angel Networkz do have clients that don't pay on time.

Sounds like they've been greedy and taken too much out of the company. Or their service has been so poor that they're constantly giving out refunds.

The more I read about this here and at other sites, this is scam, with what looks like fake employees, empty promises, and how soon people forget the previous companies problems with Burst. I am also glad I did not pull the trigger on getting a server from them, at the time I was worried about network.

It is junk like this that gives resellers a bad name.
I think the clients that are remaining faithful to Angel Networkz are either in denial that this has happened or they're just plain dumb, or they just lack the business acumen to realise that they are being ripped off. I can see these resellers of Angel Networkz going out of business as well, as their clients finally wake up and smell the coffee

There is nothing to stop this from happening again, 3 months down the line.
Anyone know what is happening with this now?
Would like to keep up to date with it but I don't know what is happening myself.
From what I can gather over at WHT, they are currently re-structuring, which for me would get the alarm bells ringing, because that means to me they intend to continue in business.

So buyer beware, it seems this predator isn't going to bidding a hasty retreat back to its den.

I don't know either. I simply decide to let it go, and loose the money. And the data too since I won't pay extorsion fees.