Alternative to cPanel software


As we all know, after acquisition of cPanel, the board of directors are constantly pushing to prices on every year, and it seems they have stopped their innovation towards new technologies.

Is this time to migrate to another control panel? But most important part, will customers who are already got used to with cPanel, accept the migration? Because, at the end the customers will use it for their daily needs.

In the 2024, which are the control panels looks promising to you and why? I used DA for some projects, but found its UI outdated, so share your opinion.
I've been contemplating just building my own like I used to, but dread having to finesse the email systems. With qmail it wasn't too bad, but that was a different time.

My fleet is 100% DirectAdmin. I've been using it since 2007 or so without issue.

I don't think my clients would mind changing. People don't necessarily want to re-learn something, but if you offer a good knowledge base and make the change infrequent, they'll probably adapt without complaints.

My unscientific guess is that most people only do a small handful of things inside the control panel anyway. Sign in, manage domains, manage email accounts, manage forwarders, manage FTP accounts, and manage SQL databases.
Control panels like Plesk, CyberPanel, and Virtualmin look promising for the future with their modern features and user-friendly interfaces. DirectAdmin may be outdated (in your opinion), but it still offers reliable performance.
Hanging out at CloudFest this week and heard Adam Smith, Co-Founder and CEO of Enhance speak on his product. It's worth keeping an eye on!

I'm not sold on leaving cPanel yet, but it's good to have alternatives. We do have one DirectAdmin server running for internal systems, but I haven't figured it all out yet (on the server side of things).
Hanging out at CloudFest this week and heard Adam Smith, Co-Founder and CEO of Enhance speak on his product. It's worth keeping an eye on!

I'm not sold on leaving cPanel yet, but it's good to have alternatives. We do have one DirectAdmin server running for internal systems, but I haven't figured it all out yet (on the server side of things).
Yeah myself, but I can tell you I've worked a bit on directadmin and while it's not Cpanel... yet, it's getting close enough which makes me question Cpanel pricing.

I don't really feel like Cpanel has the cards to be able to keep increasing prices without losing people.

I think they're betting that system admins would rather fork out than learn something new, maybe it works maybe it won't.

But when I look at host now compared to cpanel I'm seeing a lot more direct admin, virtualmin and other things like konsoleh. Whereas when I started it was 90% cpanel the odd plesk panel.
I have started my career using cP, but day by day their prices are going to space. For a small company, such prices are getting big headache. I am afraid that if they keep increasing their prices, I would use them in future.
We use CyberPanel for our control panels. Purely because it's free and lightweight.
We will eventually shift from CyberPanel to cPanel when we get enough customers, but we've had no issues with CyberPanel so far. I can 100% vouch for the panel.
It's worth keeping an eye on!
No it's not

Enhance developers refuse to adapt long standing web practices (such as mail piping) , but are quick to force you to pay per website/user, which has been only recently adopted.

Enhance is so far behind on their 'todo' list, they can't even keep themselves up to date on what's happening here in the real world.

Sorry, not sorry, but Enhance is done for. It has no chance to succeed if they continue to refuse to adapt tech that's been around for decades