Affiliate software


Staff member
I must be going crazy. First, I sit in front of my PC for good 45 minutes trying to remember what this program is called that allows companies run their own affiliate systems on the web... Now that I am over that, I need some recommendations (I think this would be appropriate for this forum as you can apply it to web hosting market as well).

I am planning to acquire a script that allows me run marketing campaigns: pay-per-click type of campaigns, and pay using PayPal. Is anyone familiar with any software that he/she can *recommend* that is integrated with PayPal.

I am not looking for a complex software, just a very simple one that allows me to do the task efficiently: accept sites, make sure they deliver accurate number of genuine clicks, process payments by PayPal.

I have seen a few scripts online that do just that, but most have functions that I don't need and others are overprices.

Thank you for any recommendations.

That is a great software, Marc, thank you for the link! It is, however, a little over the budget.
I have done quite some research in the past couple of days and I looked, read and tested numerous programs listed on popular script directories and I have come to believe there is really only one applications that is impressive for the budget I am looking for. And that is the same software Marc pointed out:

It is incredible that there is no big choice between trusted solutions. There is almost nothing available for those wanting to run pure cost-per-click affiliate campaigns... It is all sales-based platforms nowadays.

It is all sales-based platforms nowadays.
Probably because that's almost guaranteed ROI for the provider and most of the sales closure related risk is on the affiliate's side. :)
That is true. Also probably because the web site business is gone and no one wants to invest heavily in PPC anymore.
What I meant was that the old school web site business is no longer efficient. Today, if you do not "check-in" your visitor, you are losing opportunities. If you were to summarize web's direction in the last 5 years in one word, it would be "userbase". A user is no longer just a visitor. A user has become an account. Growing companies that run communities, blogs, messengers have one definite thing in common - a registered group/niche of people. The valuation of Internet companies and dot-coms are based on their userbases rather than traffic.

PS: Not sure if this makes sense, it is 4:30 am here.

Art, you're right - even at 4:30AM, you're right - the web has become very centered around users and communities. Look the direction even Google has taken. They started out with a search engine, and in the past...year or so...brought in E-mail, a messenger, and now Orkut. They went "user-centric" too.
"Orkut is an online community that connects people through a network of trusted friends."

Basically it's Google's version of a blogging/community website. I have a few invites if you would like to check it out for yourself, but I don't want to drag the thread off topic....

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