Advice needed :)

ldcdc said:
virkson, you are probably referring to him selling his domain and trying to trick potential buyers into thinking that the website has a significant number of visitors.

But then he would do this on many forums, wouldn't he? So far I see he posted only on HD:""&num=30&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&safe=off&filter=0

I'm an honest man :) and I do have enough knowledge to get traffic/hits without scamming people.

btw, good thinking ldcdc
well, to get back on the subject. I think it is a great name; short, relavent (guess that depends) and no stupid numbers or dashes! Could be domain discussion (like namepros?) or just general web trends talk. Are you going to try to sell it, or build it up yourself?
Thanks, I think we'll try to make something out of it .. probably not just forum.
Guys, would it be posible(good-bad idea?) to get some people to write articles in exchange for ad space ?
Don't take this personal bosnia, but I wouldn't write an article in exchange for ads on a website that isn't even online yet. ;)

To get content for your website you could visit "free content" websites where people post their articles that can be republished freely (actually in exchange for a single link to their website, which is included in the author's "bio" section). Your content won't be unique, but it could be high quality nevertheless - if you carefully select the articles you publish.
ldcdc said:
Don't take this personal bosnia, but I wouldn't write an article in exchange for ads on a website that isn't even online yet. ;)

OK but I never said such thing... "writing an article in exchange for ads on a website that ISN'T EVEN ONLINE yet."
Insted of that I was thinking like writing articles for established-running web site.

And again we have similar thougths, I have planned to get content at start as you sugested, and later get some quality(maybe unique) articles in exchange of ad space ..
I hope you understand it now.

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