Advertising in Newspapers - a good time?


Staff member
While ad spending is on the rise, newspapers are suffering from a decrease in ad dollars. The Newspaper Association of America expects a 5% to 6% decrease in spending for the year.

About Network specialists think "it means big savings for you. More room for negotiation. And the power to increase your sales through newspaper ads."

I was wondering if any of you have ever tried to advertise in print and if that was really worth the effort? Was it more or less effective than other advertising means? Would you recommend it?

Having read many posts suggesting local advertising I'm seriously considering this option for my web development business.
If I decide to go ahead with this, I'll come back and share my results with every1 :)
I think local advertising is money well spent. I have always advocated looking around for local publications and advertising in them. People feel safer if the business they are dealing with are close by.
I think one of the best advertising mediums is the local TV guide. The advertising rates are generally quite low and people tend to keep it around all week.
I hadn't thought about the local TV guide. That's a good idea.

I live in Houston,Tx. There's one publication here called "The Greensheet"
It's free for people to pickup from newsstands, grocery stores, gas stations, etc and fairly cheap to advertise in. I've been thinking about advertising in that but just haven't gotten around to it.

Ads in the bigger citywide newspaper, The Houston Chronicle are a bit more expensive but I may try that out as well.
Blue said:
I think one of the best advertising mediums is the local TV guide. The advertising rates are generally quite low and people tend to keep it around all week.

Don't you also have to consider the target market you show your advertisement to as well? Did you have any experience with TV guides? It does sound like a good idea - because the life of the guide is one week than just daily newspaper.
Artashes said:
Don't you also have to consider the target market you show your advertisement to as well? Did you have any experience with TV guides? It does sound like a good idea - because the life of the guide is one week than just daily newspaper.

The beauty of the TV guide is that everyone uses it. You will be hitting your target market as well as everyone else. You may be able to find out what other ads are going in and try to match them. For instance, if a large computer store is placing an ad, try to get on the same page.
Blue I don't know where you live but do you have any idea roughly how much it costs to advertise in the TV guide?
EvilHaider said:
Blue I don't know where you live but do you have any idea roughly how much it costs to advertise in the TV guide?

I think it would be best if you simply contact your local TV guide. Call them up or go to their web site for details. Unless you and Blue live in the same city. :)
I'm pretty sure the advertising rates for TV guides and Newspaper ads will vary considerably from place to place, and also depending on circulation.

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