Advertising Help


I see sites such as Site5, HostGator, etc, with their links on every single directory possible, paying per click. Even on many top10 web hosting sites.

My question:

Do they list it themselves, or do they have some company advertising do it for them?

I search on google "site5" "hostgator", paid ads like these showup:

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Hostgator Review
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What kind of advertising companies would do this for me? I would like to hear about some experiences.

Thank you!
Those sites are run by affiliates of those companies, being paid for signups.

If you want to get on them; launch a heavy-paying aff. program and publicise it. You'll become one of the "top ten" in no time ;)

Yeah, if you have the budget, DO IT. You will start getting many clients and it will be worth your money. I ahve talked to top CEO's and they have all done this.
WireNine, as was mentioned above already, most of the web sites are run by affiliates and their sales are commission based.

Their affiliates are their own clients who pursue an opportunity to make extra cash, webmasters of related content web sites. Usually you can find those companies on mass affiliate platforms such as Commission Junctions or LinkShare.

Often, however, companies choose to advertise on certain web sites themselves.
I find it amusing that you posted the ads with links. ;)

The best part of most hosting providers that are not just resellers
is that you can get real help. So in a way these ads help everyone,
they bring people into the web world, and then they move to a real
hosting company. (some move.. others just sit and never do anything)
Well, how much would it cost to launch an affiliate program, i mean besides the script for managing affiliates etc
Dactyl said:
Well, how much would it cost to launch an affiliate program, i mean besides the script for managing affiliates etc
I guess when you put it that way, the only cost remaining is to pay the affiliate bills in time.
I guess when you put it that way, the only cost remaining is to pay the affiliate bills in time

Indeed. This is extremely important. Believe me there is nothing worse than a company running an affiliate program, and then no paying their affiliates on time or at all.
Yes sure, that wouldnt be a good idea, i guess you could add the cost of advertising the affilitae program, especially if the website didnt have any good rankings.
If you plan to go into details, you might need a lawyer to draft your "Affiliate Agreement". Also, maybe some banners that your affiliates can make good use of.

Thare's also the time needed to handle payments. IMO time is a very serious cost and needs to be factored in.
ldcdc said:
Thare's also the time needed to handle payments. IMO time is a very serious cost and needs to be factored in.
Yep, your correct, i guess if we do go into details other costs will jump in :)
Thank you for the compliment Simon. :)

On the affiliate's side (rather than the merchant's), I'm a fan of ultimate affiliate though. :)
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ldcdc said:
On the affiliate's side (rather than the merchant's), I'm a fan of ultimate affiliate though. :)
I've heard that a few times from users..

If the unthinkable could happen, and the two companies merged, it would be the perfect aff. software.

well today there are many hosts and each hosts are searching for the top ten position as well as for new clients.

so it does not matter, they would spend on it.
We have hired a marketing firm that handles all of our marketing and they're an excellent job. Feel free to PM me and I will forward you his contact information. I'm sure he'll be glad to help you.

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