Adult web hosting with Extreme Hosting


New member
Extreme Hosting has been very "hospitable" in that they have worked closely with me in making sure everything on my website runs seemlessly on their hosting site. I've not had any problems with my site being down or technical errors whatsoever.

Great Adult Webhosting with

Name and URL of hosting company: Extreme Hosting (
Hosted URL(s):
Description of service(s) used: Shared hosting (silver plan).
How long have you been using the service(s): 3 months.
Detailed review: Extreme Hosting has been very "hospitable" in that they have worked closely with me in making sure everything on my website runs seemlessly on their hosting site. I've not had any problems with my site being down or technical errors whatsoever.
Pros: -Affordable -Concise -Easy to work with

Cons: -Rather Technical -Not as timely as I'd hoped for

Would you recommend this company to your best friend? Yes
Thanks for the great review. Hope your company does well down the line with them. Here is a link to some technical information on your provider. :D