3,500 members!


Staff member
I like the way we're growing guys! :dance:

3,500 members. 4,000 is just around the corner.

Thanks to all members for your continued support and activity. One day we'll be looking back at HostingDiscussion and thinking that we contributed to the overall industry growth and created something useful.

I think we've already done that! HD is definately contributing to the growth of the industry through the education of hosts and end users. I've learned so much about the industry in general and even some basic business practice tips.

Yay for 3500!!!
Congrats guys!
Is it possible to go through the db and get some stats, like the average posts per person? Stuff like that?
That would be great to see (rat out all those advertisers :P)
I got only Top 10 posters at this point:

Artashes 1,869
Blue 696
ldcdc 511
Orioli 476
Xcel_Hosting 349
Keston E. 296
Anjay 281
EvilHaider 266
mark 260
Andrew 243