Never got any problem with 2Checkout. we use them along with PayPal. For some time now you can also accept PayPal payments in your 2Checkout account. I also want to answer something I read on the other page about chargebacks. Yes they charge $ 15 for a chargeback, but before they issue it they will contact you as the seller, and ask questions about the sale. They also fight your case so in most cases the person wanting a chargeback does not get it, except if there was something wrong with the purchase so a legitimate chargeback.
Yes in WHMCs you have a lot of payment processors and gateways already built in. All you need to do is add your usernames and passwords and WHMCS will take care of the rest. We use 2CO - PayPal - Alertpay and Banktransfer with WHMCS orders.
it is not true sir
in our companey for EX i use 2Co with WHMCS with out any problem and the invoices marked paid when the user finish billig while i do not accecpt any order while 2Co fruad accept payment
i have one problem with 2xo-whmcs

one client is order and payed service and 2co is marked invoice as payed and i send mu service to costumer,but after 24h 2co send email to say that order is fraud and not passed he refund money...i have problem and loses to stop service to client
never heard of their being a problem with the two working together although i don't use 2co myself hope to in the future.
my problem are, when i use 2checkout with auto accept when payment made from whmcs, but when i see the 2checkout fraud reivews, i can see it marks fraud. how can you solve this?
2CO works perfectly with WHMCS for single payments. WHMCS does NOT support 2CO auto-recurring payments due to restrictions imposed by 2CO.