200mb space/2gb transfer NEEDED!!

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New member
as stated in the subject...

im in need of

The Basics:

- 200 MB Space
- 2 GB Bandwidth
- mySQL DB's

Im currently broke, so I would not be able to pay for this hosting but I will do whatever in return (Advertising, etc... you name it)

I really need this!
I am sorry, but if you want to adv for anyone, you have to show how many hits you have on your current website. If you dont have any, dont expect anyone does it for you.

If you can arrange a small budget, gate2vn.net can provide you C100 package (get double web space if you register within January 2004). For more details, you can check out at our website www.gate2vn.net

Thank you, and say Happy new year.
the site that I plan to make will not take up much space or bandwidth at all... but what I meant by saying Advertising, is thats an example of something that I can do in return... like I said name what you want me to do and ill do it
Blinger, I hope you find what you're looking for, but in the meantime it will be useful of you to list some of the things you CAN do. Stating "I'll do whatever in return" is very vague.

Can you answer sales e-mails? Do you have technical knowledge to answer support questions on someone's forum? Can you make good banners? Can you write press releases? That kind of stuff will help you.

Also, telling people what kind of web site you're planning on making (subject) will help as it gives people an idea if they are interested in sponsoring the idea.

So places give you free web hosting for life if you register a domain name with them. Catalog.com or DotEasy.com for example. They have all the things you ask for.

If you're serious about what you plan to do, hosting is very cheap. If you are broke, why spend time on creating a site when you can get a paid job? Your internet access costs you probably times more than what hosting package you ask for could. Think about it.

Good luck.
I can host you if you can do a redirect. No banner needed.

Rules: No Gay Porn, No Spyware and of course no maliscious coding.

I can only host you on the site I have now. You could spoof the URL to whatever your domain is. I can do this for 2 months for you until you get the funds to retain a good host. I recommend LowestHosting.com (only 5 bucks per month)

Im good with Photoshop, so I could make Buttons/Banners for whomever, i can do moderation for forums, or write articles, or answer emails, or anything of that sort. I currently am not old enough for a job, so I dont have an income, and my internet is free :) ... but my site is for a personal portfolio that I have been putting together for a bout a month and a half now consisiting of past websites, advertising banners/buttons, misc. graphics, flash, and scripts that I have done.

...still looking for a host :(
Hello Blinger,

We here at Ardent would like to host your site in return for some services. These would include some web site work and graphic design. We would also require that you advertised Ardent on your website. As a bonus we would also be willing to give you $10US for every client you sign up that stays longer than a month.

To work out the details email us here at Ardent on sales@ardentcommunication.com.

Cheers, Daniel
MOD NOTE: Post deleted. Offering unlimited space and unlimited bandwidth is wrong and against the rules.

Please refer to Hosting Requests rules (As well as general forum rules) for more information.

At G2-Hosting.Com we will give you exactly what you want. On the condition that you join our referal program, or atleast promote our company, and after a month or so, you post in your testimonies sections once it is live and online. The only other condition I ask of, is that when your website becomes successful, and you are making enough money to suppor yourself and your family, that you perhaps think of starting to pay for your hosting.

On the other hand offer, if you getting G2-Hosting.Com 1 referal or more per month, then your hosting will stay free anyways.

Contact me directly at brandon@g2-hosting.com if you wish to deal with us, and we'll get you up and running.
hi Blinger

I would be happy to offer you hosting, please feel free to take a look at the comprehensive package below, however i must stress that we do not oversell our servers and this is probually one of the reasons why servers are down

Servers are Dual Xeon 2.5 Ghz with 1024 ECC MB Ram. The Servers hard drives are 10,000 RPM FAST! The Bandwidth is wide open and will NEVER overload. All servers will be kept below 50% and we will make sure they are all around 25%!!! We will never go over 500 Domains per server! That is one way we prevent the server DOWNTIME. We use cPanel Control Panel. The Server's OS is the latest and reliable Red Hat Linux. The server will be upgrade frequently to keep the servers up to date! We will include the Fantastico package, & Urchin Web Stats at NO COST! Instead of one database server with most provider. We supply you with 2 DATABASES Servers, MySQL and Postgresql which most other servers do not provide both!!!

we have 13 redundant gigabit connections to the internet

400mb (special upgrade just for you) Web Space
50GB Bandwidth
Unlimited Sub-Domains
Unlimited MySQL
Unlimited User FTP Login Accounts
Unlimited Email Aliases
Unlimited Mailing List Server
Unlimited Password-Protected Directories

CPanel - the industry standard control panel
POP3 E-mail Accounts
SMTP Mail Server
Browser Control Panel
Unlimited Auto-Responders
Real Audio / Video HTTP Stream
Server Side Includes (SSI)
Secure Server Capability (SSL)
Anonymous FTP Server
MS FrontPage Support '97, '98 & 2000
Detailed Online Statistics
Custom Error Pages
Cron Jobs
Languages / Protocols Supported HTML, C/C++, Perl, PHP4, TCL, Python, CGI, SSI
Perl Version
24/7/365 FTP Access
CGI Chat Room
Operating System Red Hat Linux
Web Server Software Apache 1.3.x
Free Technical Support
Installed Modules

contact me on nick@enginehost.com for details or signup at www.enginehost.com/sponsored.html

all i ask for is a small link at the bottom of your page

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ok guys thanks, but ive found a host, and ive gotten my domain name up, thanks to mackhosting :-D

but thats for all the great offers, it was great seeing that there are some generous people in this world
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