Recent content by bigredseo

  1. bigredseo

    SEO and Web Hosting, Can your host impact your rankings?

    In years past, this was an issue. Speed is the big issue - the faster your site is for your users, the better the experience. This does have a small impact when it comes to rankings, but these days, it's really small. With all the CDNs etc out there, there's no excuse for a slow site. As far...
  2. bigredseo

    Website backups, trust your provider, or take control?

    Nearly every host has a line in their TOS that clearly states they are not responsible for backups. While they make every effort to make backups, they are ultimately not responsible and it's up to the user to make their own backups. I have always lived by the policy of "Trust but Verify". I...
  3. bigredseo

    Heavy Spam

    When you say "spam tickets" are they submitting a form? If so, you'll want to implement a captcha system of sorts - Google Recaptcha is amazing at stopping stuff. If you're piping emails into your helpdesk ticket system, then there's several things you can do from email lookups to IP checks to...
  4. bigredseo

    A Keyword Alert tool — would you use it?

    I use something similar - Google Alerts. Basically I have trigger keywords like name of company, target regions, and of course main principals of businesses and then receive email alerts based on that. USUALLY those alerts come in the form of News or PR releases, but sometimes it's articles...
  5. bigredseo

    NotebookLM - wow! This could be a game changer!

    I use Google Keep like it's going out of business (sometimes it feels like it is). I have used Evernote and then Microsoft OneNote, which I wanted to like as I could hand-write my notes and then convert for reading later - but my handwriting is so poor these days it can't convert most of my...
  6. bigredseo

    How do you protect your website?

    I use a few different programs, but we have some clients that use the HTML plugins for WordPress itself. Just search for "Wordpress to static HTML" and you'll see a number of plugins. We've enjoyed using SimplyStatic also - works pretty well. Other tools we use are Screamingfrog and WinHTTrack...
  7. bigredseo

    How do you protect your website?

    Some additional ones that we do: Password rotation (30 days) Firewall Log Inspection Admin Login Alerts (WordPress sites) FTP lockdown to single IP Database lockdown (no remote access) Shell Access via SSH Key only (and IP lockdown) If a website is small, and rarely updated, then it doesn't...
  8. bigredseo

    NotebookLM - wow! This could be a game changer!

    Have you heard about NotebookLM? This is not a paid endorsement, this is a real-world person who has used it and is just blown away by what it can do! So here's the deal. I use ChatGPT quite a bit, and have crated my own GPT's and repositories so I can ask it questions and it can do the...
  9. bigredseo

    How to tell if its Fraud?

    We used to use MaxMind Phone Verification back in the day. I don't know if MaxMind still does that or if it was pieced out to someone else. But essentially we had 3 checks that happened; 1) AVS - the credit card must match exact for street, city and zip - we were very aggressive on AVS 2)...
  10. bigredseo

    Hello everyone this is Dave

    Welcoem to the forums Dave. It looks like you've been in the hosting world a while. Looking forward to sharing ideas
  11. bigredseo

    How many WordPress installations can a high-end server run efficiently at the same time?

    It comes down to the definition of a high end server. The big bottleneck with Wordpress is the database. If you have a streamline I/O for the database then you can load that sucker up. We have operated WordPress shared and dedicated and have also operated WordPress with a separate database...
  12. bigredseo

    Hi, glad to be here

    Welcome to the forums Haris. There's decades of experience in the forums, so don't be afraid to use the search feature. Many questions have been asked over the years, especially when starting out, but if you run into anything you want further clarification or validation if things work in 2024...
  13. bigredseo

    Does Magento really require specific hosting environment?

    Depending what he's doing with Magento he may also have to have custom packages installed on the server. As @Saranya Subramaniam said, it's a very resource heavy platform and definitely not recommended for budget hosts. Of course, that all depends on the number of products they're running and...
  14. bigredseo

    What are the biggest advantages to colocation?

    I've seen some awful crash carts over the years - from a laptop in a dish tub, to a monitor on just a rolling office chair. We used to have a 1U keyboard & monitor that flipped up in a rack. Then just wire directly to the server with the issue (all our servers were 1U or 2U, so no bakers rack...
  15. bigredseo

    Automating Invoice Generation—What Tools Do You Use?

    Given that you have 50-100 employees, what tool are you using currently? Share some information on the platform and tools you're currently using and others can then share their experiences with those tools and how an alternate solution may help (if there's even a better one).