Recent content by abdomazzek

  1. abdomazzek

    virtualizor vs proxmox

    who is better virtualizor vs proxmox In terms of KVM, stability and better system?
  2. abdomazzek

    What do you check when you choose a Dedicated Server?

    RAM - Storage -Bandwidth - CPU Server Location Security Anti DDos Root Level Access support
  3. abdomazzek

    Vps Or Dedicated Server

    what is the usage of server and sofwares?
  4. abdomazzek

    Best way to get more customers?

    There are several ways but you should get a little tired and that is without money There are some groups on Facebook, Discord, and Telegram ads Also, some interest in your site, kayword, etc., so that it appears in the search a lot Also some forums specialized ads Also put your friends or your...
  5. abdomazzek

    BitNinja vs Imunify360

    If you are looking for protection from vulnerabilities, the best choice is Imunify360 If you are looking for protection from attacks Bitninja This is about my personal experience But I prefer using it Imunify360