What Post Count for each Rank?


New member
What Post Count for each Rank under a member's avatar and what are the different ranks? Is There a custom title at a certain rank or anything. This answer should be easier to find but could not find.
If you mean user titles, then the current setup is as follows:
HD Newbie 0
HD Amateur 50
HD Addict 200
HD Master 500
HD Guru 1000
HD Wizard 1500
I am all for changing them to make it more exciting, so any ideas are welcome. :)
Thank you, I've always thought of 100 posts as a milestone of sorts in forums. Big leap from 50 to 200 eh? How about an editable custom title (within rules, no ads, etc) at 1500? A guru sounds better than a wizard (a computer wiz seems a term a "computer illiterate" would use.)

If I ever got to 1500 I think that would make a member a HD God or for those that are religious, a HD Diety.
HD God - I like that. Its quite amusing as well.

Actually, I think instead of "HD [...]" we should use "Web Hosting [...]" format. We will think about this in the next few days and make necessary changes. Thank you for your feedback.

If anyone has more ideas or suggestions, please post away. :)
Forum Ranking

Our forum do have rankings, a military ranks starting from Private to General (4 stars)! :thumbup:
Be careful what you wish for!

We have made it possible to own a Custom Title when you hit 1000 posts. :)
1000 posts???? Wow, that's a lot.... should lower it to like 500 or something. You should do like HD God at like 3000, haha.
What you should do, is figure out whats 50% of 1000, and subtract that from 1000, and set that as the minimum amounts of post to modify their custom title. Then everyone would be happy :D
Be careful what you wish for - you might just get it! :D

Let me sleep on it. We will definitely consider doing something more exciting with the user titles.