I wanted to pick up on Artashes astute comment in AbbieRose's thread Reselling Without Web Design.
I never really considered that would be important to them but it makes sense that you'd want someone close by where you could knock on their door if necessary. I know I wouldn't have minded doing that myself a few times over the years instead of waiting endlessly for a response to a support ticket. :smash:
My question is this and I ask it with all due respect. You can charge higher rates as ArtAshes says but is it worth the aggro that surely must be a part of being physically so close by?
I'd love to hear of some experiences or thoughts on this from both the reseller side and as a client. Looking at it as a client, I can see the obvious plus would be what I said above. Essentially, convenience. Sometimes it's much easier to communicate face to face and it would be nice to have that option.
But as a reseller, would I really want someone knocking my door or calling me at 3am that thinks that's ok since I'm only a block away instead of utilizing the standard contact methods everyone else does that doesn't live in my vicinity?
I hasten to add I'm all for excellent customer service but where do you draw the line? Or do you look at it as a trade-off - when you charge higher rates locally to non-technical clients, you have to expect to spend more time explaining and handling things for them.
Questions, questions.
That's a smart observation, but reseller hosting still represents a major chunk of the whole industry. In my opinion, it all comes down to how good a marketer you are.
If you know how to reach local businesses in a smart and cost-efficient way, then you will sell your services well. On top of that, resellers who go exclusively after their local markets usually price their services higher in order to earn more.
Chances are local businesses are not technically savvy, so they won't go on research rampage. Most of them care more about where you are geographically (same town, community, etc) than the number of POP3 email boxes you'll offer them. I have seen companies pay as much as $25-75/month for 25 MB of space and 500 MB transfer allotment to this day.
I never really considered that would be important to them but it makes sense that you'd want someone close by where you could knock on their door if necessary. I know I wouldn't have minded doing that myself a few times over the years instead of waiting endlessly for a response to a support ticket. :smash:
My question is this and I ask it with all due respect. You can charge higher rates as ArtAshes says but is it worth the aggro that surely must be a part of being physically so close by?
I'd love to hear of some experiences or thoughts on this from both the reseller side and as a client. Looking at it as a client, I can see the obvious plus would be what I said above. Essentially, convenience. Sometimes it's much easier to communicate face to face and it would be nice to have that option.
But as a reseller, would I really want someone knocking my door or calling me at 3am that thinks that's ok since I'm only a block away instead of utilizing the standard contact methods everyone else does that doesn't live in my vicinity?
I hasten to add I'm all for excellent customer service but where do you draw the line? Or do you look at it as a trade-off - when you charge higher rates locally to non-technical clients, you have to expect to spend more time explaining and handling things for them.
Questions, questions.

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