I need Help


New member
Hi guys i started my company back in 2005, but it never went any were i have just started it back up and i have 2 resellers option to sell shoutcast and resellers i have also been lucky enough for a company to let me sell there dedi and vps on my site and i can get money from the ones i make..... But im strugling to get customers i need help majour.... Thanks
Hi guys i started my company back in 2005, but it never went any were i have just started it back up and i have 2 resellers option to sell shoutcast and resellers i have also been lucky enough for a company to let me sell there dedi and vps on my site and i can get money from the ones i make..... But im strugling to get customers i need help majour.... Thanks
Have you tried advertising campaigns? Acquiring some small businesses?
Exactly what Marks said. The get most customers you need to start advertising and getting your company name "out there". Webmaster forums are commonly a great place to find prospective customers. Digital Point is one of the best forums for selling webhosting because there are so many people on it.

Once you get a few customers they will probably begin to tell other people about your hosting also. As long as you keep them happy your business should contine you grow!
I am signed up to digital point and post offers regually but not many take intrest only once when i posted 10 free acounts etc :( i think its my marketing that needs work...
If you are advertising well and there are no takers it could possibly be your price. I'm not an expert on pricing, but i would recommend finding quite a few similar companies who offer the same services and packages (or close to the same) and see what their prices are. It could just be a high price issue. Good luck!
There can be be many factors to why you are not getting customers. Here are just a few examples:

1. Even though you started the company in 2005 you just recently reopened. People tend to be reserved on trying new companies.

2. Look over your website design. I have not seen your design, but alot of time that can effect things. Designs with Template Monster designs or just cheap designs in general will give the potential customer the feeling that is a fly by the night company.

Also keep any eye out for misspellings and broken links.

3. You said you have changed your prices up and down. If a potential customers returns to the site a second time to look over things further and sees large jumps in the price changes it will scare them away.

4. Company branding can have a big effect on sales. If you have created a good name and have the other aspects like banners and logos that catch the visitors attention, those visitors will remember your name and that is what you want.

5. How hard are you working to get this company going? The hosting industry is very saturated now days and it takes more to make sales then to just post a few links. You need to work extra hard to promote your company. With the market the way it is , people are not just going to flood to your company no matter what prices you are offering.

I hope this will give you a few things to consider. I am sure there are many more factors than this, but these were just a few that came to mind.
Thanks for your reply my site is <<MOD NOTE: Link removed. If you'd like feedback on your site, please post in the Website Reviews forum. Thank you.>> I have just recently made and code dthis design my self .... Your ideas are helping me.. i beleive i am no good at marketing, ive read books ebooks sites etc nothing i try ever works... but i will continue.
Thanks for your reply my site is <<MOD NOTE: Link removed. If you'd like feedback on your site, please post in the Website Reviews forum. Thank you.>> I have just recently made and code dthis design my self .... Your ideas are helping me.. i beleive i am no good at marketing, ive read books ebooks sites etc nothing i try ever works... but i will continue.

I see some major problems with your website right from start. Here is the list:

1. Your design is not properly coded and in Firefox the navigation and header are all off.

2. Your design has no footer. As you scroll down it jsut does not look complete.

3. Your header is not complete. Why is this still in the header if oyu are trying to get customers:

Text here yes i know this site rocks Lime Designs
Text here yes i know this site rocks Lime Designs
Text here yes i know this site rocks Lime Designs
Text here yes i know this site rocks Lime Designs
Text here yes i know this site rocks Lime Designs
Text here yes i know this site rocks Lime Designs
Text here yes i know this site rocks Lime Designs

4. The reseller and vps navigation button go to broken or non-existent pages. People see that and will leave the site immediatly. Do not put up an unfinished site. If anything put place holders for those pages saying coming soon.

5. The red color in your plans comparison pages does not match the design at all. It looks totally out of place.

As you can see the website alone might be the cause of most of your sales issues. Please do not take this as an attack. I am just simply pointing out things that if cleared up will increase your sales chances.:)