Thanks for your reply my site is <<MOD NOTE: Link removed. If you'd like feedback on your site, please post in the Website Reviews forum. Thank you.>> I have just recently made and code dthis design my self .... Your ideas are helping me.. i beleive i am no good at marketing, ive read books ebooks sites etc nothing i try ever works... but i will continue.
I see some major problems with your website right from start. Here is the list:
1. Your design is not properly coded and in Firefox the navigation and header are all off.
2. Your design has no footer. As you scroll down it jsut does not look complete.
3. Your header is not complete. Why is this still in the header if oyu are trying to get customers:
Text here yes i know this site rocks Lime Designs
Text here yes i know this site rocks Lime Designs
Text here yes i know this site rocks Lime Designs
Text here yes i know this site rocks Lime Designs
Text here yes i know this site rocks Lime Designs
Text here yes i know this site rocks Lime Designs
Text here yes i know this site rocks Lime Designs
4. The reseller and vps navigation button go to broken or non-existent pages. People see that and will leave the site immediatly. Do not put up an unfinished site. If anything put place holders for those pages saying coming soon.
5. The red color in your plans comparison pages does not match the design at all. It looks totally out of place.
As you can see the website alone might be the cause of most of your sales issues. Please do not take this as an attack. I am just simply pointing out things that if cleared up will increase your sales chances.