Forum downtime (April 18, 2022)


Staff member
I apologize for the 9-hour downtime yesterday, April 18. Apparently it was caused by the incorrect SSL usage. A new certificate was issued, which fixed the issue.
A few hours of downtime can not offset the decades of uptime the forum has had in the past.

May want to setup a free monitor at You can setup an HTTPS check and have it look for the word "enthusiasts" since that's in the footer. If it finds it, it considers the forum up. If it doesn't, then it would send an alert. You can get up to 50 free ones every month.
May want to setup a free monitor at You can setup an HTTPS check and have it look for the word "enthusiasts" since that's in the footer. If it finds it, it considers the forum up. If it doesn't, then it would send an alert. You can get up to 50 free ones every month.

Good suggestion, setting it up as we speak. Does this look like the right setup?

Monitor type: Keyword
Keyword: enthusiasts
Alert when: Keyword not exists
Monitoring interval: 5 min (default)
Monitor timeout: in 30 sec (default)
Looks good on my end. So if there's a suspension, outage or the database doesn't load, it'll trigger the alert.

Looks good!
I popped by, got an error page that I didn't pay much attention to, and just assumed that it was some bigger connectivity error somewhere or something with my local DNS, because this site is never down :)
These things happen, perhaps some monitoring should be setup if it's not already to catch these issues earlier on :)