

HD Moderator
Staff member
Apparently, a reality star with 260K followers decided to sell her farts (ick) in a bottle for 1K each and was making up to 50K a week. She overdid it though and wound up in the hospital. I thought about putting this in the Promotion and Marketing forum, but no. She (Stephanie Matto) prepared her body to pump out gas by eating loads of protein, yogurts, hard boiled eggs and, of course, beans.

We live in a Wackadoodle world.
Interesting. When I opened Yahoo this morning, believe it or not, this was front page news. Apparently, she made $200,000.00 doing this. In her words, "I'm good at turning s@*t into gold." She is now pursuing this as an NFT venture.

I'm getting to where nothing surprises me anymore.
I'm sorry but WhoTF are these hundreds of people who have a spare 1k laying around and can think of nothing better to do with it than buy a fart in a bottle?

If you really have nothing better to do with your money than this, then just give it to a good cause that will actually put it to use making a difference in the world.

What do you do with it once you have bought it anyway, just stick it on a shelf, or open it and smell it which means it is immediately gone or at least diminished?

If that's the plan then why not buy a couple of decent bottles of wine instead, surely that is a much more enjoyable fleeting experience.

And if anyone tells me that people would buy it as in investment, that just makes things worse because it means that in the future there are going to be even bigger idiots willing to pay an inflated price than the idiots who bought farts in bottles in the first place.

(I didn't want to reply but couldn't help myself)
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I'm sorry but WhoTF are these hundreds of people who have a spare 1k laying around and can think of nothing better to do with it than buy a fart in a bottle?
You need just 3 elements to live in this world: air, water and suckers. Unfortunately the level of stupidity on this planet is over 85% and this pandemic was just an stupidity accelerator. :)