How can we handle shared licenses


New member
Hello HD,

Like we are from india, and here 95% of the small hosting companies use shared/nulled/cracked licenses, and selling cpanel shared hosting for just 0.40$ around per month, where we can't offer with original at that price (monthly), can any one suggest how can we handle these shared licenses host people and there marketing things,

Of Course, if any person is experienced in purchasing hosting or already have websites they will have idea about everything and they won't ask about the price , but people who are new and unaware of these they will compare the pricing (as they don't know regarding uptime and loading speed) and force us to give discount or they will move, later after a month or 2 they will be back,

Like many shared licenses they are providing cpanel unlimited for 15$ for metal and 7$ for cloud, same as for all like cloudlinux litespeed whmreseller,jetbackup.

My question how can we overcome them and get clients with our prices

First off using Nulled/Cracked licences is ILLEGAL and should not be encouraged no matter what country you are from.
When i was hosting, if I found any client using a nulled/cracked licence then i would have suspended their website and inform them of the reason why and they would be given 48 hrs to provide me proof that they have acquired a genine licence, if they failed to do this then their website would have been terminated from my server
You can only control what's happening in your own company. If you suspect anyone else to use software with a cracked license, the most you can do is bring this to the attention of the company. But since you probably cannot spend your days researching and weeding out such companies, the next best thing to do is educate.

Post a message about such practice on your own website, explain the potential reasons for companies to charge super low rates and outcomes of singing up with such providers.
Hello HD,

Like we are from india, and here 95% of the small hosting companies use shared/nulled/cracked licenses, and selling cpanel shared hosting for just 0.40$ around per month, where we can't offer with original at that price (monthly), can any one suggest how can we handle these shared licenses host people and there marketing things,
Also this is just like the $2 a year unlimited everything plans you see on ebay.

If you are a serious host then you cannot offer such plans and it is not good genuine hosts trying to compete with these, all we can do is pick up the pieces when they suddently shut down and people come running to us moaning about it and asking they lost everying can we get it back for them.

If in your case you know they are running nulled software then all you can do is report them to the software house and if the site is hosted with a well know server provider then let them know onme of their clients is using nulled software as most hosts will have this as a breach of their terms.
The only advice I can offer is that instead of competing on price, you compete on a different level. Whether that level is customer support, SLAs, more space, auto installation of scripts, or other features, that's going to depend on your business model.

There are a few dozen threads here on HD about "the race to the bottom" when trying to compete on price alone.
First off using Nulled/Cracked licences is ILLEGAL and should not be encouraged no matter what country you are from.
When i was hosting, if I found any client using a nulled/cracked licence then i would have suspended their website and inform them of the reason why and they would be given 48 hrs to provide me proof that they have acquired a genine licence, if they failed to do this then their website would have been terminated from my server
I am talking about, hosting panels and softwares, using by competitors
I am talking about, hosting panels and softwares, using by competitors
you also stated

small hosting companies use shared/nulled/cracked licenses, and selling cpanel shared hosting for just 0.40$ around per month,
as stated report these to the software house and let them deal with it, dont try to compete or worry about thinks like this as they wont last long
As the ppz said above just dont care about these pirates. They can't last long and even if they do the will not be able to expand. Ultimately you have to opt for a legal softwares if you want to become a real company. Most of the popular forums even block the users who are reported to be using pirated/nulled scripts.
you also stated

as stated report these to the software house and let them deal with it, dont try to compete or worry about thinks like this as they wont last long
sorry for my English, actually the whole scenario regarding licenses, yes we need to leave them and focus on our marketing.
See, you don't need to do anything! Just ignore them. Normally this kind of business does not sustain for the long run. I have found many businesses came and just go vanish within the initial 3 years. Only focus on your business, how you can make a unique approach to sell your products.
They are not your compititor at all. You don't need to compete with them. Hosting is a very large Industry focus on your own marketing stredegy. Use legal software, report cracked scripts and the things we can do educating people.
They are not your compititor at all. You don't need to compete with them. Hosting is a very large Industry focus on your own marketing stredegy. Use legal software, report cracked scripts and the things we can do educating people.
exactly, too many people look for cheapness and dont loom at the bigger picture.

Take a Windows 10 Licence for example.
The actual software you can download free from microsoft, but to get an activation key it will cost £219.99 for Win 10 Pro or £119.99 for Win 10 Home. but search online and you could pick up a win 10 Pro key for £10.
So anyone with brains should know getting a £220 item for £10 then it will not be genuine, but many people will just pay the £10
This is a big problem in the industry at the moment, like most people have said already is to educate them. Explain the security issues using a nulled product in blogs etc and link software IP checkers so people can see if software is legit or not.
that's why, their can sell super low cost hosting, as their don't need to pay for extra cost on license fee. But if you notice they using nulled license or illegal license, you can complain to the datacenter, as no one datacenter will allow this to be happen on their network.
If you attract customers who pay you next to nothing, that is a lot of work for essentially nothing.
Your time is better spent ensuring that your systems are up, working and performant.
This is where your competitors will struggle. It's very difficult to patch a nulled license, so whilst they are fighting off hackers and miscreants, your systems will have been patched and running happily.
The path to profit is not having things go wrong, not having things go cheaply.
I would rather have 10 customers paying me $10 than 100 customers paying me $1.