Review our new design


New member
Hello Folks,
We've recently updated the design of our Business Website at Please have a look & let us know your valuable opinion to help us improve.

Looks good! I assume you already know the blog page doesn't exist. Other than that, it's simple and professional, good job!
Awesome website, I like the way you add the Pure SSD and Impressive words above Hosting and Affiliate menu respectively. :)


  • Tool-Tip.JPG
    23.1 KB · Views: 6
I like it. Don't forget to throw on your Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel for marketing later.

Nice to see a website NOT designed in WordPress ;)

Also, you'll want to run this past the Google Webmaster Tools for indexability. There's an issue with the page cache not loading everything correctly (like the CSS is being blocked). This will need to be resolved.

Overall, nice website. I'm not a fan of the delay when loading a page, but it wasn't painful.

I get a TON of retna.min.js errors, a CORBs block with regards to your trustedsite-reviews tab, and Comodo. Also, there's a "web audio autoplay" which is trying to load. If you intended to make that work, it's failing. If you didn't know it was there, remove it. Nobody likes anything that autoplays!

None the less - nice looking website! Good job!
I like it. Don't forget to throw on your Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel for marketing later.

Nice to see a website NOT designed in WordPress ;)

Also, you'll want to run this past the Google Webmaster Tools for indexability. There's an issue with the page cache not loading everything correctly (like the CSS is being blocked). This will need to be resolved.

Overall, nice website. I'm not a fan of the delay when loading a page, but it wasn't painful.

I get a TON of retna.min.js errors, a CORBs block with regards to your trustedsite-reviews tab, and Comodo. Also, there's a "web audio autoplay" which is trying to load. If you intended to make that work, it's failing. If you didn't know it was there, remove it. Nobody likes anything that autoplays!

None the less - nice looking website! Good job!
Thanks for your valuable opinion. I'm working to fix those. Can you please provide me the link of the audio which plays/tries to be played automatically?
Even though I have nothing to add that wasn't already mentioned, I just wanted to say that this is one of the best website review threads I've seen in a very long time, anywhere on the Internet. Love the constructive feedback and the helpful tone set by members. Thanks to all members who aren't lazy enough to help. :)
We're adding new extensions to our rooster every week.
Probably meant to say "roster."

We're providing a varieties of digital service those fulfill all your needs to enhance the growth of your business.
Should probably be > We provide a variety of digital services designed to fulfill all of your needs, and enhance the growth of your business.

Web Development is a vast term that indicates to all the works related to developing and deploying a Website over the Internet or a Private.
or a Private (network).

Tech N Byte is a IT Services Provider Company from Bangladesh offers Professional Web Development Services at an affordable costing.
Probably should be, "Tech N Byte is an IT Services Provider Company from Bangladesh that offers Professional Web Development Services at an affordable costing."

Tech N Byte has got a team of expert Web Developers who are also experienced in Front End Designing & worked over many personal, industrial & business Websites.
Probably better written as, "Tech N Byte has a team of expert Web Developers who are also experienced in Front End Designing having worked on many personal, industrial & business Websites."

I'm seeing six blank portfolio demos.

That was a quick glance, but I do like the site overall - good design and navigation.
Well i know when i ask for crits i genrally want to hear the bad as that allows me to improve, so while there are many good things as maentioned above about this website im going to be the much needed bad guy here.

THe website loads slow : At this stage i have a slow connection, but that shouldn't be my problem as a client you should have a fallback solution as i was waiting forever for the fa icons to load, to a usual user: this site is broken.

Ps I dont know i ran it through gt metrix and it came up 2.9 seconds and 664kb which in my books is awesome

When you start shrinking your screen on the pricing table the text wraps it looks weird

At about 860px on the domains page the menu has a half sticking out orange tag that says impressive.

At 360 px your pricing tables overflow rule is set to scroll i think you can remove some margin to make those fit.

Also on the services page the get a quote button all over is too much especially if it leads to the same modal.

ok i tried quite hard but the site is solid imo. Well done and best of luck with it !
You need to look in to your capitalisation. There are way to many Random capital Letters, which makes your copy look unprofessional.

Examples of incorrect use of capitals, just from the opening section (unnecessary ones underlined):

We're living in a Digital Era. Sooner or later every Business will have to move to the Digital World. In order to go along with the flow & stay in the race you should start moving by now whether your business is a small or a medium one. To start modernizing your business from the core, you'll need some software for various purposes & we're here to help you with that.

Tech N Byte offers you a wide range of Software for Microsft Windows™ based Operating Systems. It also offers a variety of Web Apps on various platforms like PHP & MySQL,, Ruby on the Rails, Java etc. So whether you need a small Web App or a giant Software to maintain your whole business don't hesitate to talk to our Experts.

Microsoft is also spelled wrongly in the above paragraphs, it's 'Ruby on Rails', not 'Ruby on the Rails', and (I think) should be capitalised.

I'd recommend getting a native English copywriter, if possible.
You need to look in to your capitalisation. There are way to many Random capital Letters, which makes your copy look unprofessional.

Examples of incorrect use of capitals, just from the opening section (unnecessary ones underlined):

We're living in a Digital Era. Sooner or later every Business will have to move to the Digital World. In order to go along with the flow & stay in the race you should start moving by now whether your business is a small or a medium one. To start modernizing your business from the core, you'll need some software for various purposes & we're here to help you with that.

Tech N Byte offers you a wide range of Software for Microsft Windows™ based Operating Systems. It also offers a variety of Web Apps on various platforms like PHP & MySQL,, Ruby on the Rails, Java etc. So whether you need a small Web App or a giant Software to maintain your whole business don't hesitate to talk to our Experts.

Microsoft is also spelled wrongly in the above paragraphs, it's 'Ruby on Rails', not 'Ruby on the Rails', and (I think) should be capitalised.

I'd recommend getting a native English copywriter, if possible.
Good point, competition is so tough online that a little details like that become difference between the choice of yourself and a competitor. Freakin Grammar nazies. We have all heard the studies of how 1 second loading time increases conversions by massive rates, so imagine what the effects of off par grammar.
Thanks for your valuable opinion. I'm working to fix those. Can you please provide me the link of the audio which plays/tries to be played automatically?

It looks like it's the Live Chat "tawk" that is throwing the notice in Chrome. Not sure if you're doing an audio alert or just a window/layer popup, but it's something to check.

To view the notice, just load the site in Chrome, then right-click for Inspect Element. You'll see that in Chrome 69 it now says it's a warning and auto audio would be re-instated in Chrome 70.

In Chrome 68, it was actually throwing an error.
You need to look in to your capitalisation. There are way to many Random capital Letters, which makes your copy look unprofessional.

Examples of incorrect use of capitals, just from the opening section (unnecessary ones underlined):

We're living in a Digital Era. Sooner or later every Business will have to move to the Digital World. In order to go along with the flow & stay in the race you should start moving by now whether your business is a small or a medium one. To start modernizing your business from the core, you'll need some software for various purposes & we're here to help you with that.

Tech N Byte offers you a wide range of Software for Microsft Windows™ based Operating Systems. It also offers a variety of Web Apps on various platforms like PHP & MySQL,, Ruby on the Rails, Java etc. So whether you need a small Web App or a giant Software to maintain your whole business don't hesitate to talk to our Experts.

Microsoft is also spelled wrongly in the above paragraphs, it's 'Ruby on Rails', not 'Ruby on the Rails', and (I think) should be capitalised.

I'd recommend getting a native English copywriter, if possible.

Thanks for your feedback. We're working on this issue.