On weekends, or no?


Active member
So, more fun for discussion here. Not necessarily related to software, just querying. Not really even after anything, just trying to spark up some discussion ;)

If you're working with (or running) a company (not a one man show, not that that's bad ;)), does your company have an 'after hours' billing department, or no? If not, how do you typically deal with billing/accounting requests over these periods?

Just asking, of course ;)
I try and provide as much support as possible not a one man operation but I do provide all of the support myself.
Yeah, you're basically a one person operation when it comes to support. Nothing wrong with that, by the way. We tend to provide a much better one on one customer experience :)
Officially it's Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM. Sometimes, however, tickets will be answered outside of those hours.
After all - WHMCS isn't infallible, and automation can go awry.
We have three people now that handle billing, one on normal business hours and the other two as billing tickets are created.
As a one man band i have support set open as


Monday to Sunday.

this does not mean if i am in the middle of a support request i will stop at 12:00|17:00|23:00

I dont offer billing support over the weekend
27/7 support isn't any issue but i would say best thing is 24/7 billing too. Usually bigger companies.

I offer 24/7 support as i have support options available 24/7, but i don't offer 27/7 live support.

you will find a lot of hosts wont offer 24/7 billing or sales even large hosts
I would say that time depending we would deal with billing at the weekend, but usually, the ladies and gents who do billing are Mon-Friday 9:00am to 5:30pm
Basically, support team needs to be there 24/7. Billing departments should stay active for long enough to handle all the related issues.
Some billing activities of critical level should be directed towards capable support personnel when it pops up.
Actually with the right tools, a 1 man band can indeed offer 24x7 support. Now, they won't get very large until they expand, of course, but 24x7 support is quite realistic for a 1 man show.
yes 24/7 support can be offer with FAQ, KB, emails etc. but 24/7 Live support cannot be offered by a 1 man band as everyone needs sleep.
Knowledgebase, tutorials, that's not 'support'. It is 100% possible to offer 24x7 support for one person, however. You just have to know how to do it properly.
If a company is in starting phase and with proper alerts and setups in Mobile phones (like kayako helpdesk app and chat apps ) one can provide 24/7 support and can take rest in between. Only thing in this case is he will not be having a common sleep time all the day :) But ofcourse one can provide now a days.

Regarding billing hours, if you have some one or some techs or company providing support to you 24/7 then you can ask them to handle sales / billing ones which are urgent ones in those after hours. and non urgent can be done when you wake .

In hosting business it is always best to stay online round the clock :)
Knowledgebase, tutorials, that's not 'support'. It is 100% possible to offer 24x7 support for one person, however. You just have to know how to do it properly.

support is any means that supports clients, so Knowledgebase, tutorials are support.

You can have 24/7 support which is different to 24/7 LIVE support

a one man band CANNOT provide 24/7 LIVE support as everyone needs to sleep.

I am a one man band and have been since i started in 1999. if i am in the middle of helping a clients with an issue i wont stop because it outside the times i provide live support.

I have used the same method since i started and have had no complaints as my KB on my site is very extensive and i am normally at my computer from 9am til midnight.