Review on the "Nukern" Billing system

I signed up for a free trial account, browsed around the admin & client interfaces... to be quite honest it doesn't really look like it's ready for launch yet.

Admin dashboard:
- cannot create a product addon
- cannot add any employees (no email arrives for the invited employee)
- cannot manage brands
- cannot link any services/products to be purchased

Client dashboard:
- can't place an order
- can't view the available products
- editing profile info/address doesn't work, error: "trying to get property of non-object"
- no place to manage your products

Maybe I have different expectations from a Beta Stage project, but what I understand when I hear "Beta" is basically a (fully) working product that may have bugs that need fixing.
Maybe I have different expectations from a Beta Stage project, but what I understand when I hear "Beta" is basically a (fully) working product that may have bugs that need fixing.

That's exactly what a beta should be, feature complete that may have serious bugs.

Sounds like they're in early alpha phase and just using beta as a buzzword.
Maybe I have different expectations from a Beta Stage project, but what I understand when I hear "Beta" is basically a (fully) working product that may have bugs that need fixing.

I agree it should be. It sounds like it's half finished from what you've said.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Billing in the cloud? No thank you! That's just a very drastic accident waiting to happen.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Billing in the cloud? No thank you! That's just a very drastic accident waiting to happen.

I agree with you. May be you and I are just control freaks but No I am not taking my billing in someone's cloud just yet. Or is it because of that $5 price that people like?