Minimum price for reseller

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You must tell us what do you want?!

Webspace, Email, FTP ????

Or you buy a Managed VPS and you a free :)
It will depend on your requirement and i suggest you that you should visit those companies which countries value less than your country i think it in beneficial for you
We really need more information in order to be able to gauge a cost.

Based on his activity so far, I don't think he is interested in answering any of the follow-up questions. It is very strange, but this is the sense I am getting.
I saw a lot of posts that just ask questions without answering and I am not sure what is the point.
There is no standard price or minimum price for reseller hosting. If you are looking good uptime with good support then you need to pay $10-$20/mo for 5GB-10 GB Disk space.
Can any one tell about how much it will cost to buy a reseller plan as per market rate

Disk space and bandwidth are less important than the number of accounts or sites you are allowed to provision on a reseller plan. Here is the reason: the average web page size is about 1 MB. That means a 1 GB hosting plan will accommodate up to 1,000 pages! That should be large enough for at least most of your customers (off the street).

Thus, for example, a 20 GB reseller plan will more than likely support 20 Wordpress sites -- but the reseller plan will have to allow you to provision 20 sites. Such a plan should cost less than $10. If the reseller plan allows only, say, 10 sites its time to find another one.

Similar reasoning would apply to a 100 GB site -- for something like that the reseller plan should not put a limit on the number of sites you can host (also know as "unlimited" sites). Don't pay more than $30 for that. Furthermore, at that level, your host should provide billing and provisioning software (eg, whmcs) for free.
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For Re-seller depends on you requirements,like bandwidth space,domain.brief about your requirement and check in offers section in hosting forum you will get affordable price even check hosting companies website also..
Based on your requirements, I will recommend (insert random company you've never heard of) to be your best choice. They provide the best reseller hosting plans on earth.
Based on your requirements, I will recommend (insert random company you've never heard of) to be your best choice. They provide the best reseller hosting plans on earth.

I have heard that insert random company you've never heard of has great vps hosting and shared ssd hosting. Not to mention their 99.999998% uptime. :crash:
With the right web hosting company, your business web site can be much easier than you think. There are so many web based design tools and marketing tools included in web hosting packages, that you really don't need to know much about html, programming, or otherwise.

You will get what you pay for, and I would recommend to deal with time-tested web hosting providers.
It depend on whether you want a reliable and stable reseller plan or a cheaper budget reseller plan. And what kind of support and feature..
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