Social media "giveaways".


New member
Has any of you guys/gals ever ran a giveaway on social media? Think about things like "Retweet this for a chance to get free hosting for life" or "Share this post for a chance to with an iPhone" or whatever?

1) What kind of promo did you run and where?
2) Did it pay off?
I haven't run any giveaway like this but I'm pretty sure that it would bring a swarm of users if marketed properly.

All you need is to:

Have a proper social media page, start the giveaway, and promote the giveaway at forums. I guess, you can probably have 500+ people up for it or even more. Opportunities are limitless.
I'm not so sure it will work. People might share it, but it wouldn't reach people who are willing to pay for web hosting. So, in a way, you're literally giving away free hosting without anything in return.
We do giveaways on our Facebook & Twitter every few months using Splurgy. It has worked very well for us and it ensures people are actively pariticpating in the giveaway. Splurgy increases your reach dramatically as well, the more people each person refers the more chances they have to win.

Has worked perfectly for us many times, albeit their admin interface is EXTREMELY slow which is very aggravating. Their front-end pages load fine and no delays on the giveaway itself, so they have that going for them.
We do giveaways on our Facebook & Twitter every few months using Splurgy. It has worked very well for us and it ensures people are actively pariticpating in the giveaway. Splurgy increases your reach dramatically as well, the more people each person refers the more chances they have to win.

Has worked perfectly for us many times, albeit their admin interface is EXTREMELY slow which is very aggravating. Their front-end pages load fine and no delays on the giveaway itself, so they have that going for them.

I had a look at Splurgy, but the lack of information is annoying. Show me how the app works! So, I Googled videos, and it turns out they also have a Vimeo account, which is pretty informative.

Have you tried the "Earn a coupon code" in the checkout? THAT would be something I'm seriously interested in.

Also, what were you giving away?
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I had a look at Splurgy, but the lack of information is annoying. Show me how the app works! So, I Googled videos, and it turns out they also have a Vimeo account, which is pretty informative.

Have you tried the "Earn a coupon code" in the checkout? THAT would be something I'm seriously interested in.

Also, what were you giving away?

We only utilize for the simple giveaways, have never tried it for coupons/promotional codes.

We use it with our gaming division where we regularly give away free copies of PC games such as Battlefield 4 & 7 Days to Die. The BF4 giveaway took our FB page from about 2K likes to over 10K, 7DTD added another 2-3K likes.

It also integrates with MailChimp & other email systems so you can easily send promotional emails later. :dance:
We only utilize for the simple giveaways, have never tried it for coupons/promotional codes.

We use it with our gaming division where we regularly give away free copies of PC games such as Battlefield 4 & 7 Days to Die. The BF4 giveaway took our FB page from about 2K likes to over 10K, 7DTD added another 2-3K likes.

It also integrates with MailChimp & other email systems so you can easily send promotional emails later. :dance:

Right, a gaming crowd would love free games, but what does a web hosting crowd want? :)
We did all kinds of Facebook promos, however most of them were useless. The likes, shares and new fans, attracted by promos and competitions are no loyal - they come and they go. But the main purpose of Facebook is relationship building, increasing customer loyalty, brand building. From my personal experience I can tell you that it's way better to have less customers, but interact with those who are truly interested in your services and products.
Definitely, social media is pretty good way to collect more traffic because I also promote my business on different channels. Basically I have own a business which is related to property management services which helps for single family homes, condos, townhomes and apartments.
So, if anyone want our services so please visit our website where you will find more information regarding us.
We actually never thought of a giveaway. Most of the times we go only with discounts. This is worth consideration, especially on Twitter.
We normally give all clients things like flashdrives/pens etc at christmas. We are currently looking at giveaways now, so we can get them in time.
We tried a twitter campaign and got some extra followers but not much else besides that. The person that won our contest / giveaway didn't even end up using our hosting :(
We tried a twitter campaign and got some extra followers but not much else besides that. The person that won our contest / giveaway didn't even end up using our hosting :(

Its easy to use Twitter/Facebook etc. and get followers and traffic to your site, but these don't pay the bills, the hard work is getting these visitors converted to sales.
Its easy to use Twitter/Facebook etc. and get followers and traffic to your site, but these don't pay the bills, the hard work is getting these visitors converted to sales.

Agreed - lesson learned on that one. I'm a tech guy trying to learning the ropes of marketing :devil:. Trial and error, repeat.
Its easy to use Twitter/Facebook etc. and get followers and traffic to your site, but these don't pay the bills, the hard work is getting these visitors converted to sales.

What about binding them to having to be your an active client in order to be entered throughout the giveaway length?

For instance if the giveaway entry is 2 months and someone entered 5 days later then they must be an active paying customer for the that month plus the following month.

I would think these restrictions would probably encourage at least some conversion and another reason "hey I could win something and try this hosting out at the same time" sort of thing.
I have but couldn't get it to catch on. We offered a $100 for the 1000th share. I think we got about 12 shares and it died.

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