Chrome Bug - Unclickable Links


I've been noticing throughout the forums that a number of links, namely profile links/names from within posts, are unclickable when using Google's Chromium web browser on an updated 13.04 Ubuntu Linux operating system. (note: no add-ons are enabled within Chromium, and the OS itself is a near-fresh installation)

I'm trying to recreate the bug now, as it doesn't occur every time. Will try to post back when I have more information.

If someone else could also attempt to recreate this bug, or find the root cause, please post back here. At first glance, it seems to be a javascript conflict that only occurs on Google's Chromium.
I'm using Chrome here on my end (26.0.1410.64 m) but I'm not able to reproduce any issues.

If you can provide the step by step that you're doing, I'll attempt to recreate the process here on my end.
I'm using Chrome here on my end (26.0.1410.64 m) but I'm not able to reproduce any issues.

If you can provide the step by step that you're doing, I'll attempt to recreate the process here on my end.

I'm using Version 25.0.1364.160, which is the latest stable release on Ubuntu Linux.

At first I thought it was a conflict between postmenu and the quote template, but some threads worked without issue, even with quotes in the document.
I'm starting to think that the problem is with the page navigation, as the bug is occurring all all multi-page threads, but doesn't seem to occur on any of the single page threads.

I'm not sure if it is the entire pagenav toolbar, or just a certain aspect of it. However, it does in fact appear to be the root of the problem.
I get that problem in IE but not firefox. But I can right click on username and open profile in new page. I think its a java issue, assuming forum uses java
I get that problem in IE but not firefox. But I can right click on username and open profile in new page. I think its a java issue, assuming forum uses java

The link itself still remains active, but is only available when opening in a new tab or window.

I'm almost entirely certain that the additional pages are to blame for this bug.

Collabora, could you attempt to click on a name within a thread that has more than 1 page, and a thread that has just a single page, within Internet Explorer?
If the bug occurs with the multi-page thread, then the pages are most definitely the root of the problem.

Also, from looking at the source of the site, it seems as though it is a broken PHP function that both IE and Chrome are unable to render properly.
Chrome has always had issues with certain script functions, normally javascript or cookie related. Wasn't aware about IE, as I rarely use that browser. Guess it would be fairly similar, as isn't Chrome based loosely on Internet Explorer as well as Safari? Chrome uses the Safari framework, does it not?
I see. I didn't make the correlation. I am getting the same results as you in IE. I notices also that the profile dropdown link is active when you go use the post link from multipage thread launching the one post on a single page

Its the same in firefox too.
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I notices also that the profile dropdown link is active when you go use the post link from multipage thread launching the one post on a single page

Yeah, that's because the additional pages are not being called by the template, which makes sense.

Hopefully an administrator will see this thread. It's the little things that bother me most, especially after I've noticed them. :P

Like, I can watch the same TV for over a year without noticing a dead pixel. However, the instant my eyes see it, I can never un-see it. It just sticks with me. :shaky:
Sidular, thank you, there are a number of bugs and some inconsistencies that I hope to fix very soon.

I am also using Chrome and I've been keeping a tab on all the things that I catch not working as they should.

As you said, it doesn't appear all the time, but after a while. So far I believe it is a Javascript-related issue. At some point it wouldn't mark threads as "unread", in spite of me viewing the page and refreshing it multiple times. I had to completely re-install Chrome for the issue to go away.