I am done with Serverbing! They should be shut down!


New member
Okay guys,
this is a very long story but I think you need to hear it.

The title: I AM DONE WITH SERVERBING! :smash:
The reason: Many more than one! :smash:

Shall we start from the beginning? Okay! Sure! No problem!
I bought a VPS from them on 26/05/2011.
I haven't even been hosted with them a month.

First things first, every time I visit their site I get error 404 page not found. Now I know their site isn't down because it loads fine with a proxy. They must have put an IP ban on me. Why is that?

Probably because I have had to contact their support team on many more than one occasion simply because they won't provide me with the service I was originally promised.

I started off by ordering a VPS for $55 a month which included free cPanel and Zamfoo. I got an Intel Xeon Dual Core 2.4GHz CPU with 4GB RAM. When they first activated it though, I found I had a CPU limit of 119MHz. Yes 119MHz. Can you believe that?!

Anyway, I sorted that problem out and got back the 2.4Ghz I was promised. However, a few days later my cPanel license got deactivated. Why?! Coz they hadn't paid for it! It came free with my VPS so it was their responsibility to pay for the license.

So, after 24 hours I got that fixed. What happens next?! My Zamfoo license is deactivated. Why?! Because they hadn't paid for it. That too was supposed to come free with my plan.

Anyway, I contacted their live support service about this and got no response. I logged into my client area then to submit a support ticket, but then the page wouldnt load. Yet it loaded through a proxy. They must have some sort of IP ban or something. Coz I can load their site perfectly fine until I log into my account. Then i cant load it for the next 15 minutes or so. To be honest I don't know whats going on.

I try and try to contact them. No response! Nothing!
Been at it for 3 days non stop now!

Then things got even worse! My cPanel license got deactivated AGAIN! Yes for the 2nd time now! I contact their live support and lo and behold I get an answer! They ask me for my Server IP, so I thought great! At last they've come to their senses and are actually offering me the support I need!

Well I was wrong! A minute later I got disconnected.
cPanel license is still inactive. Support are refusing to respond.
Their website won't load for me unless I use a proxy.

I tried submitting a support ticket using the proxy but the proxy wouldn't let me. I've tried over 50 different proxies. Same problem.
I shouldn't even be having to use a proxy for goodness sake.

Anyway, eventually I got a response via live chat and I asked them to sort it out. They said can I have the server IP?! I gave them that already. What's going on I thought?! Anyway, I gave it to them again but this time asked for $5-$10/month off my bill as I think it's well deserved. They said no can do and logged off. I contacted them again and they responded with "What do you want now!"

I said in capital letters FONT SIZE 72 that I wanted an immediate refund! Their response...we don't offer refunds for VPSes.

Well you bloody well do offer refunds for this VPS.
I have never in my life had such a bad experience! Never!
Guys, do NOT go anywhere near Serverbing.

Any advice on how I can get this refund by force.
I paid using Google Checkout.
If they won't issue me with a refund, something has to be done.
I will not let this rest. They ought to be kicked off the web!
It certainly seems that your provider has gone to great lengths to avoid providing you support in a manor by which it is perceived to be caused by an error, if this is the cause of such errors as well as to make numerous errors and mistakes.

Although as your previous post I would have agreed with many others as to allow the provider to resolve those such issues, would it not have made business sense to arrange an alternative provider if such issues continued as I am of no doubt this must have and will continue to have serious impact on your ventures?

As per your requests to "$5-$10/month" although I wouldn't condone their use of language or handling I would hazard that as many companies live support staff are not capable of providing such support, additionally many companies "may" provide a discount (one time) but many will not.

For the refund for the service itself it will be key to examine their terms of service as this will outline their refund policy. Proceed to request a refund and if they refuse you can granted your rights (UK) as it apears they are registered in the UK, have necessary action taken on your behalf.


Hope that helps somewhat, perhaps take a look at the marketplace sections here also as there are many active and reputable providers here :)
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Honestly, it sounds like Serverbing is run by a kid while school is out for the summer (from what you've said)... Very unprofessional and you obviously made him lose his patience, so he choked.. I would have looked for a real provider much sooner than you waited. I wish you the best of luck with your new provider. Also, call your bank and do a chargeback, they deseve it.
I am not a user of Google Checkout, but does it allow to file a claim, like PayPal? If so, do it.

If you paid by a credit card, call your bank and start a charge back procedure.
You do seem to have a`"knack" for picking the absolute bottom-of-the-pile providers and services
- maybe it's your selection criteria that need adjusting ?!?
I have just sent their support team an email:


Please could you cancel my account and issue a full refund.
I think I deserve a full refund, despite your terms and conditions.

I have had my cPanel license cancelled twice.
Yes, you did reactivate it pretty prompty, so I give you credit for that.
Nevertheless, it happened twice, and that is not acceptable.

Also, your quality of customer service, has really let you down.
The countless times I have tried to contact you over live chat.
7/10 times you do not answer my live chat call.

I have been rather unsatisfied with my service this month.
And I feel that a full refund is well deserved.

At one point I was so disappointed with your service and the fact I couldn't get hold of your customer support team that I felt compelled to post this topic.


I think that your managers should sit down and have a serious word with your support staff.

Please cancel my account and let's settle this once and for all.
Please issue me with a full refund.
And I hope to not receive any further invoices from you.

Best regards,
Zack Roberts

Unfortunately Google Checkout do not have a chargeback facility. But if I have to, I will contact the bank.
And I will email the Google support team and explain the problem. Maybe then they can issue a chargeback.

Hopefully, their support staff will read this post, as I have given them a link to it. Maybe they'll see some sense and do the right thing. Because they really have provided me with one unforgettably bad service.

I will not rest until I get a full refund. Not happy at all. :(

I have been read what you all have put and i have to AGREE this company serverbing.com is not a company but a bit of a JOKE.

Let me explain i thought i was getting a good deal so i brought a Super Alpha package of them i had this about 3 months with no problem then they transferred me to a new server and OK at first the server was OK, then the problems came and wouldn't go away the server was down for about 2 days once i logged back in i knew something wasn't right so i backed up all my data and files. When they said to me when i ordered 99.99% uptime. YEAH RIGHT ...more like 45%

Then the next day the server went down again when i was right in the middle of an email to my clients about the problems. Luckily i only had 13 clients 5 of them i knew very well and the rest i called up and explained to them what had happened.

Then i spoke to them via live chat and said about the problems then they suddenly went offline so i just cut my loses and brought a DEDICATED Server with another company.

12 months later , i just thought i would leave a comment on here about them and maybe try and warn people about this company.

The funny thing is the company isn't REGISTERED as LTD AT COMPANIES HOUSE.... I did a search for serverbing Limited and found this:

company profile: http://opencorporates.com/companies/ie/486969

Company statues: http://www.cro.ie/search/CompanyDeta...=486969&type=C

The funny thing is this company was " Strike Off Listed "

i just thought i would tell everyone so they don't BUY FROM THIS COMPANY and full victim ... to their bad name and company ...

PLUS the website should be professional not breaking up and the code is coded in notepad ++ and the have spelling mistakes and the links don't work.

I hope this helps and if Server Bing reads this sort your company ................

Chris ...
I am not surprised there are so many companies like this floating around. People really need to do their research before purchasing. Sucks that, that happened to you.
Google Checkout do have chargeback policy whenever you feel that you are scammed or you have problems with your order just mail Google checkout within the 1st 30days of the order and they'll help you and resolve your issue. They'll refund your money within 7 business days completely removing the payment fees only.

To do so go to:
1. Signin to your Google Checkout Account
2. http://support.google.com/wallet/bin/request.py?contact_type=contact_policy&policy=wallet
3. Click on the best title for you
4. Submit your email, transaction ID, provider and problem
5. wait 24hours and they'll contact you back

We have very good experience with Google Checkout and really they are better than Paypal