webhostingworld.net junk


New member
Last week I segned with http://www.webhostingworld.net.
Since my company is behind a firewall, I use a single file php filemanger on my servers (http://phpfm.sourceforge.net/).
This crasched their site and were not able to fix it. There were also a bounch of error messages in the log file about php/ffmpeg.so.
I made them clear I needed this thing working but instead, they locked the account.
I asked for close everything, they offer a 30 day money guarantee but at today, only a bounch of bs, the account is still locked and the money not refound.
My domain is certamente.org and my name is Matteo Gioi

so a php file you installed crashed their site/node so they locked/suspended your account and not refunded you.

i would say you abused/damaged their system which would be a breach of their TOS, so they were in their rights to take your site down and not refund you
The php file is here: phpfm.sourceforge.net and I've used it for years now.

you may have used it for years, but using this on their server crashed their system, which would have caused them problems with others on the node and extra work on their part.

you breached their TOS, so as i said they were well within their rights to suspend you and not refund.

If one of my clients did the same on my server i would of reacted the same way. you have to think that you may have a VPS or just a reseller that you are not the only client using the node, so if the node crashes then all clients on that node are effected not just you.
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you have to think that you may have a VPS or just a reseller that you are not the only client using the node, so if the node crashes then all clients on that node are effected not just you.
All that shows is that the provider is using the wrong virtualisation technology in an effort to maximise profits at the expense of providing a decent service.

No VPS on a system should have any impact on any other VPS on the same system, or they're not really Virtual Private Servers, just "timesliced shared servers" being mis-marketed.