Dear forum members!
I'm a simple computer programmer, and I create web based software.
I would like to be able to manage my own server.
I know you say "Go get a managed one", But I have to figure out my own now!
What do I need to learn to manage my own server? can you list the topics i.e. "security" please?
And how hard is it doing "all" this? I don't want to sell anything, just my own server for my own web based app.
Can you please list what I need to learn "very well" in order to have my own server runing?
What are the most important things I need to learn?
How hard can it be to mess up something as stale as Debian anyway if it so "stable"?
So, I'm open for all your ideas, suggestions and recommandation.
Just please do not say "just mess up with it" or "get a managed server."
As I said, I'm ready to mess up with it, but WHAT do I need to mess up in order to know enough to manage a server?
Also sources to learn from are highly appreciated.
Thank you!
I'm a simple computer programmer, and I create web based software.
I would like to be able to manage my own server.
I know you say "Go get a managed one", But I have to figure out my own now!
What do I need to learn to manage my own server? can you list the topics i.e. "security" please?
And how hard is it doing "all" this? I don't want to sell anything, just my own server for my own web based app.
Can you please list what I need to learn "very well" in order to have my own server runing?
What are the most important things I need to learn?
How hard can it be to mess up something as stale as Debian anyway if it so "stable"?
So, I'm open for all your ideas, suggestions and recommandation.
Just please do not say "just mess up with it" or "get a managed server."
As I said, I'm ready to mess up with it, but WHAT do I need to mess up in order to know enough to manage a server?
Also sources to learn from are highly appreciated.
Thank you!