Reseller Package or VPS


New member
Which do you think is better to get when you are planning to have a reseller business? Is it easier to have a reseller package than get a VPS and dive then divide the resources by yourself?

Will the hosting company deal with the problems of my clients with a reseller package or will I still have to deal with the problems of my clients myself?
Will the hosting company deal with the problems of my clients with a reseller package or will I still have to deal with the problems of my clients myself?

You still have to support your customers if you're a reseller account, unless it comes with so called end user support (rarely the case).

Personally, I wouldn't use an entry level VPS to sell hosting. I'd rather go for a reseller account from an experienced host.
If you don't want to "deal with the problems of the clients" then I would question why you would even consider the business to begin with.
The whole nature of a service industry is to deal with the problems of your clients or even better minimize any issues that would become a problem.

Sounds to me like you would be better off signing up for an affiliate program.
Similar to Dan - go with a Reseller package, and then as your clients build up, then look toward VPS and multiple VPS servers.

A Reseller package usually means that the host you purchase from will maintain the server and assist with any possible issues that come up. On a VPS you're pretty much thrown to the wolves unless you purchase a management package from someone.

Affiliates work nicely if you don't want to have to think about anything other than getting a percentage of the sale each month (or one time lump fees as the case may be).

Before you jump into being a reseller or a host in general, ponder this thought - how you you separate yourself from every other host out there? What do you bring to the table that they do not?

If you have an answer for that, then you're ready for the next step. If you don't have an answer and think you'll just wing it and figure it out as time goes on, I advise holding off on launching a business.
If the reseller package has end user support, the company should take care of it. For the most part, most VPS come has unmanaged/no end user support.

You'll have to fly solo
Thanks for the responses. I wanted to enter the world of hosting sites but I'm still quite new about this business. I guess I would have to go with affiliates first and see how the web hosting companies run their businesses.
You probably should start with a reseller account first and see how that goes first. Then you can worry about a vps or even your own dedicated server.
This is another one of the things I have personally been checking into and after much research and feedback from here in the forum, I would highly suggest getting yourself a reseller account somewhere reputable. You do not want the liability of being on your own as a newbie.
If you are entirely new to the business a small reseller account would probably be best to start off with. You can eventually upgrade to larger plans and it will help cut overhead costs. Just be sure not to fall for any heavy oversellers or you'll end up receiving poor service and so will your end-clients.
Back in 2004 I started with a very small reseller account. I was completely new to hosting. I didn't even know html so... It can be done it just takes time.
If you buy a reseller package you don.nt hve to worry about the server problems.(technical)

but if you get a VPS then you hve to solve all the technical problems buy yoursefl unless you buy a managed VPS.
I've seen this managed servers. What is the main advantage of getting a managed server compare to the normal servers that web hosting companies offer? Is there a managed reseller package?
I've seen this managed servers. What is the main advantage of getting a managed server compare to the normal servers that web hosting companies offer? Is there a managed reseller package?

All reseller packages are managed. Managed means you do not have to worry about the technical side of things, such as configuring your server (installing OS, control panels, ect..), server security (firewalls, ect..), and a whole bunch of other stuff. ;)

If you have a unmanaged VPS/Dedicated server, you will have to do all of these things by yourself, or pay someone to do it for you.
A VPS has more management involved for the reseller, but it can be more profitable. That depends a lot on who provides you with the VPS or reseller account. A VPS gives you more control over customization since you can install extra plugins and addons for your clients. You can eventually resell yourself with a VPS since you would have the base WHM software. You can't do that with a reseller account. Personally, if you have little experience with server management, I would start with the reseller package, learn server management and how to run your business, and then eventually switch over to VPS or Dedicated.
Well.. I would suggest you to buy a reseller plan first.
Because VPS cost pretty much.. compared to reseller plan. So if you get enough clients and you can afford a VPS then buy a VPS.
And if you are going to buy a VPS then I'll suggest you to get a managed VPS if you don't have server's technical knowledge in the same reasons like guys said.