From Shared to VPS


New member
How do you know when to upgrade from shared to VPS? Does it only depend on the traffic my website is receiving? If I upgrade to VPS, does it mean I also need to upgrade my hardware? Or upgrading to VPS is enough to handle more traffic?
If your over using the resources on the shared hosting account it may or may not be time to upgrade to a VPS. However managing a VPS isn't as easy as you think it is. I would suggest taking a look at a few managed providers if you upgrade to a VPS.
Typically, as a shared hosting customer, you don't really know when you're using to much. You can ask your hosting provider though to tell you if you're getting closer to requiring something more powerful than your current package.

But that of course means giving them an opportunity to upsell, whether you really need to upgrade or not. :)

Or upgrading to VPS is enough to handle more traffic?
An upgrade to a VPS is not necessarily a step up. A small VPS will, even though more expensive in net terms, could give you less in terms of computing power and performance due to overhead, license costs etc. If you're not a server admin you'll have to get a fully managed VPS, which will further increase the price.
Thanks for the information. Is it also a good idea to increase the resources of my server rather than to upgrade to VPS? I agree with the moderator that if I ask the hosting company about the current status of my hosting package, they will surely recommend and push a higher hosting package even though I don't really need it yet.
When you are earning over 20 times that of your shared hosting bills monthly. VPS is better than shared hosting because it dedicates the resources exclusively to your websites. If you are earning money from your websites 20 times that of hosting expenditure, your sites deserve a VPS and that's when you will want to upgrade.
If you are earning money from your websites 20 times that of hosting expenditure, your sites deserve a VPS and that's when you will want to upgrade.

Damn this should be on most hosting providers frontpages in bold.
When you are earning over 20 times that of your shared hosting bills monthly. VPS is better than shared hosting because it dedicates the resources exclusively to your websites. If you are earning money from your websites 20 times that of hosting expenditure, your sites deserve a VPS and that's when you will want to upgrade.

Thanks for the tip and I will keep this in mind. You are correct about the timing for upgrading. I guess if I'm earning that much, I might even consider dedicated hosting package. :)

But well, I think VPS will do the job.
your shared hosting provider should be monitoring your resource usage, when that begins to sustain high levels it will have an effect on the quality of service of the rest of the clients on the server and they will probably suggest you upgrade to a vps or dedicated box.
Anyone shall go for Virtual Private Server when they need to use guaranteed resources and to work in isolated environment. Of course the VPS owner must either have knowledge on system administration or to be prepared to pay for fully manage VPS.
When you are earning over 20 times that of your shared hosting bills monthly. VPS is better than shared hosting because it dedicates the resources exclusively to your websites. If you are earning money from your websites 20 times that of hosting expenditure, your sites deserve a VPS and that's when you will want to upgrade.

I like your thinking very much. That is a good and natural rate. If you really earn that much it would be a good thing to treat your sites with more stable environment and their own space.
How do you know when to upgrade from shared to VPS? Does it only depend on the traffic my website is receiving? If I upgrade to VPS, does it mean I also need to upgrade my hardware? Or upgrading to VPS is enough to handle more traffic?

Speak with your provider about the possibility of upgrading to a VPS -- and whether or not you are near that point.
There are more considerations as well. Understand that a move...any move...will likely cause grief for your customers if not done right with notifications and proper planning ahead.

The best bet is talk to your customers...make sure they understand what's going on. In my book..going from shared to a vps is no "upgrade" at all..simply because it may not be in many cases.

Your customers may find themselves with fewer resources than that had before...and they will's just as simply as that.

In my book...the only upgrade is straight to a dedicated server. I fully understand you may not be ready for that..but sometimes life throws this at us..and life does not care if we are ready or not...:)

The biggest mistake is making a move...any move... without talking to your customers first. Evaluating and comparing different hosts for whatever it may be..dedicated servers or vps's..depends on a great many different factors.

Do you have a mix of international cusomers? Or all your customers based the same country as your current shared server account? Take a look at what you have right now...where the server is..and what kind of network your current host has...and then go from there.

it just takes time, practice and research to learn you may be right for you. There is no "perfect" provider. If downtime is a may want to go with someone who has a track record of little if any downtime.

Make sure you understand what SLA's are in place and how you and your customers will be compensated in such a event. Understand the contracts as many require a certain period of time to cancel different services.

Experience is the best teacher..and you'll understand that later. It just takes time and patience. A little bit of luck does not hurt either.

>>>Some hosts can migrate ip addresses. This is a very good thing if you are growing fast. Ask about's certainly a very good thing.

I'm not against vps's/vm's, btw. I just am against using them to start hosting businesses because the end user pays a price..a big page load time.

Also..I don't know if you noticed...but I run out of fingers and toes counting the number of vps hosts that just disappeared this year with little or no notice to the end user.

I think a better first upgrade, rather than shared to VPS, is moving to a semi-dedicated server, which is essentially a shared server with a limited number of accounts on it.
as with shared server you dont own a hardware , while upgrading also you dont need to think about the hardware. VPS is the better option for you for moving from shared hosting.

If your website is new and low traffic then you do not need to go with VPS in this situation shared web hosting is better option meanwhile for high traffic and high business website you should really go with VPS.

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