GoHosting Review.


New member
Name and URL of hosting company: GoHosting (www.gohosting.org.uk)

Hosted URL(s): I host all my sites there.

Description of service(s) used: Shared hosting (ST)One (ST)Two (ST)Three. & Resellers...

How long have you been using the service(s): 1 1/2 years.

Detailed review: This is where you can leave a specific and concise review.

Pros: Great uptime, more than enough space and bandwidth

Cons: So far I have not noticed anything bad about gohosting.

Would you recommend this company to your best friend? Yes.
So you're saying you're using all three of their shared hosting plans and one of their reseller plans?
no problem guys :), its a battle finding a good host these days.

1. Why do you have the name of the company in your signature? Is that your company?

2. Please post all the URLs that you host with the company so we can validate it.
Hosted URL(s): I host all my sites there.
no its a friends site. I only have a few sites on there..

Description of service(s) used: Shared hosting (ST)One (ST)Two (ST)Three. & Resellers...
no im on the (ST)One, it has 10GB of Disk Space, 100GB of Bandwidth and unlimited as far as email and mysql goes.

How long have you been using the service(s): 1 1/2 years.
Then as validation
I'm confused as the WHOIS information for gohosting.org.uk reflects a registration date of March 7th, 2009. :confused: