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Hello in the past I have installed wine 2 times successfully,on the second time I used this guide and I truly dont remember I did nothing exceptional and it worked right away,it appeared under application the wine bottle,what to say to you bro now I have tried this guide and many more installing as normal user ,or on others as root and nothing seems to work,I really thaught it was my disc config so I went and re partition my disc in lvm group and still it dont work ,well maybe Ive become less committed to codes or I like less getting my hands dirt with codes since I remember that the very first time I installed wine I did it in an unorthodox way mostly manually plus installing tons of repositories and you bet it was such a true success man Im so sad I didnt make a guide of it,I even tried one of my most favorite program of windows 32 bits and it worked very charming,so sad I had to format that computer since it was required for my company's work so I really dont know what is happening I even installed 1.7.21 version and nothing.

It is supposed you download as a normal user and unpack as normal user and then you build as normal user but the problem arises when you try make install since in here I su to root and do make install but later do service wine restart and is unrecognized service please do help me if you can

Im on centos 6.4
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Installing wine is not a problem,well it shouldnt be for anybody,it became a problem with me because I changed centos native configuration,then I fixed issue by installing the latest kernel available

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