windows vs linux

If you are unfamiliar with configuring and managing a dedicated server, Windows will be easiest, out-of-the-box. If you are wanting to choose CentOS, however, it would be advisable to use a control panel, such as WHM, to get acquainted with Linux server management.
This all depends what you want the OS to do. It also depends on how well you know each os. If you could give us a little more details about what you want to do? Then we might be able to tell you witch is the best OS to use.
Depends what do you want to provide with. At this moment i don't have any Windows servers, i have only linux with CentOS and cPanel of course.
Hi friends which os is easy to configure and manage windows or cent os

The debate has long been driven into the ground and we’re almost to the point where further discourse can add nothing of value. We aren’t here to tell you which one is better; rather, we’re here to help you decide which one is better for you.
I have not heard of anyone sound to host anything on Windows. You use that for a GUI but if you want just to host a website, the best way is to use a VPS+cPanel. Depending on the number of your websites, you can upgrade to a dedicated server.

Mind that cPanel is only on centOS.
Windows is more easy to manage as it is more user friendly. On the other hand Linux offers more security and a good firewall for your desktop.
Windows is definitely easier for a newbie in that area BUT you will soon discover that you are better off with Linux. If you can I would rather you start with a managed Linux server so that you get familiar with the help of the Host provider it wont be too long before you can do everything on your own. You will need a server with cPanel or Plesk. If you can get it pre-packed together into one fee then it MIGHT be cheaper for you.
I have not heard of anyone sound to host anything on Windows. You use that for a GUI but if you want just to host a website, the best way is to use a VPS+cPanel. Depending on the number of your websites, you can upgrade to a dedicated server.

Mind that cPanel is only on centOS.

Not really, nopCommerce for example requires a Windows environment.

There are several Windows control panels (WebsitePanel and Plesk/Odin to name a couple).

It really depends on what you're trying to achieve. For most user cases, Linux would be recommended, cheaper and compatible with more major platforms available (WordPress etc).
As far as I saw from the other topics posted by him, he wants to start a web-hosting company in an Indian DC and maybe it is interested in virtualization. I do not know if Windows is suited for such a task, but would a first, I might say that.
As others have said, it really dpends on what you're trying to do here.

For servers, Linux, hands down, all the way. Add cPanel and a server manager if you don't know what you're doing.

For home, absolutely Windows, all the way.
The question is as always:-

What is the software stack you are trying to run?

If it requires Windows, then take windows, if it does not, then take Linux.

I've yet to hear a compelling argument to use windows to host anything that doesn't require windows, other than "We already have the platform".

So, as always, look at what the needs of your application/solution are and that will determine the best platform (not necessary OS) for you.

These days both are reliable and performant, but Linux costs less (if you have the knowledge to manage it), so economics makes it the better choice.

If however, you are a windows server guru and hate the idea of command line interfaces and Linux admin, that is a compelling reason to take windows.
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So, as always, look at what the needs of your application/solution are and that will determine the best platform (not necessary OS) for you.

True that is how things should be. Unfortunately many clients start with "I want a website" for example. Its later (many months later) that they sit to ask what they want it to be able to do for them.

Its the same for very many web applications. Many people never sit to plot the scalability of their app in the future that is why they will assume that there is an OS that caters better for their lack of clear picture of where the app will be heading. They assume that a certain OS on its own can let them go wherever luck pushes their app LOL
Between Windows and Linux....start with Linux. If it's server management of any form, use cPanel until you're comfortable to just use commands.
There are many panels that you could use for your own websites.

cPanel and DirectAdmin are the best if you are hosting paying customers, as they are the most secure panels.

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