What's the going rate for guest posts?


HD Moderator
Staff member
Assuming you have a fairly popular blog with hundreds of value-add articles, what is the going rate for guest posts? And would you even entertain them? How much would they or could they help with SEO?
I would say success depends on the niche, competition and structure of the blog. That is the main idea I think.
Irrelevant guest posting can be considered rather toxic.
As @Hosting.uk mentioned, it's going to depend on the niche many times.

If you're doing the guest post based on needing a link, the average pricing on the web for a quality link runs between $100 and $175 per link. Now these are competitive terms on popular sites. I have seen some links going for upwards of $400 per link, but they're mainly from journalist sites like Washington Post etc.

What? You can BUY a link on the Washington Post? Yes. If you know the right people, they are more than happy to break the rules to add a link into the article.

Personally, I don't buy links, and don't offer purchasable links or from any of our or clients' sites to other sites. This includes Guest Blogs. But if you find a site that runs an adsense campaign, generally they're happy to have guest blogs, and some will allow it for free as long as the sales pitch is kept to a minimum.
I personally recommend that you do not purchase any links. If you are looking for relevant guest post opportunities for your company, one of the search terms that you can use in the search engine is "inurl:guestpost keyword." This search term will help you find a list of guest post websites, and there are many more search terms that you can use to find relevant guest post opportunities. Keep in mind that you require high-quality, unique contact information that is handwritten and copyscape-passed so that the webmaster can accept your submission quickly and simply.
I still receive guest post requests/proposals every week in regard to HostingDiscussion news blog (it's coming back at some point).

I've never accepted guest posting as is. Because I set certain content standards, I decided that if a product/service is found to be of interest to our audience, we'd have a staffer writer a story. In which case there is a fee for both the posting and the writing service. As of today, our media kit states it costs $150 for a news story (with a link) and $50 for it to be written, with full editorial control in our hands.
Assuming you have a fairly popular blog with hundreds of value-add articles, what is the going rate for guest posts? And would you even entertain them? How much would they or could they help with SEO?
Since I'm in the SaaS niche, most guestposts for us cost around $100-$200 for DR 84 and below. Whereas DR 85+ can start from $500 and go as high as $1000+ :)

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