Website security measures like strong passwords, SSL certificates, and regular backups.


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Can someone share your knowledge about website security measures like strong passwords, SSL certificates, and regular backups?

My understanding says, Hackers can easily guess or crack weak passwords, giving them access to your website and its data. Having an SSL certificate is crucial for building trust with your visitors and protecting their privacy. It also improves your website's search engine ranking. Website backups are essential for recovering data in case of attacks, accidents, or technical issues.

Is there anything I am missing or anyone has something to add here?
What you need to understand first and foremost. All websites can be hacked. All you can do is make it very hard and not worth it for the hackers. What you say above is correct. SSL help encrypt data, backups are a MUST ect.

Random-generated passwords are also needed don't use a word with a (number and a few characters) it starts limiting what a hacker has to try especially if you throw in social engineering into the mix. Making brute force easier.

To help against brute force attacks and DDOS attacks, You might also want to look into web application firewalls.

If you are working with a popular platform look at the vital files of that platform.
eg WordPress would be the wp.config file, laravel would be the .env file, try to put them in non-conventional places.

Also make directory browsing impossible.

Sanitize ANY kind of input field. (I'm shocked that people still fail to do this)

Using 2FA is not foolproof but its another layer.

Most hack attempts come from bots who look across thousands of websites for patterns of known vulnerabilities... don't make patterns and stay up to date with your website tech.

Also, look at other items... your WIFI, your phone and apps, your email client, and your computer are they secure? Could they leak data that could open your website up?

There's a lot more to this, you can do a lot of things I cannot even begin to scratch the surface of it.

Just remember no website is 100% unhackable. Always keep a contingency plan.
For bruteforce protection there are two options I believe are crucial: captcha and MFA (like 2FA but may include more authentication steps).

DDoS protection and scalability of your application/website is more about availability aspect, not confidentiality or integrity.

Backups are important to ensure integrity of data, however you really need to develop a plan for Disaster Recovery (next step after configuring a regular backup) and periodic verification to ensure you have working backup, which can be used. Another important thing to note - backups must be saved offsite, preferably at another provider/datacenter. Also, you may check out for 3-2-1 strategy.

Web Application Firewall (WAF) is a must, however it is not a silver bullet and won't stop 100% of exploitation attempts, thus you must ensure you are running up-to-date software with security fixes applied. Depending on your vendors, there are different channels for monitoring security advisories.

As mentioned previously, your personal security is a must as well, because your access credentials might be leaked by information stealer malware installed on your own PC/mobile.
It's also important to keep all software, plugins, and themes on your website updated to prevent vulnerabilities. Implementing two-factor authentication and limiting login attempts can further enhance your website's security measures. Regularly monitoring your website for suspicious activity and investing in a web application firewall can also provide an additional layer of protection.

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