Resources usage of Linux VPS ?

1) If you've cPanel installed on the server then login to the WHM > Server Status > Service Status option which will provide you entire system information (Disk Space, RAM, CPU, Server Load and current status of all service.

2) You can also check the memory usage using command line option by running free command.

3) vmstat is another command displays current virtual memory usage- processes, memory, paging, disks, and CPU information.

4) To check currently running processes on the server fire ps aufx command.

5) The top (or htop) command supports real-time monitoring of server resource usage.

I hope it helps. :)
Main resources you need to check are

1. CPU
2. RAM - Memory
3. Disk usage

For CPU you can use some commands like top/htop/Atop etc and
For RAM , you can see the current status using free -m and you can see detailed usages from top (then Shift + M).
For Disk usages, you can check them using df -h and then you need to check more using du -sch in the particular partition.

If you can clarify which services or which all resources usages you need to track, then we can help you more accurately with possible exact commands as well
- If you are using cPanel on your server, you can check the server resource in WHM panel, It provides you complete information of resource usage in server.
- To display free memory size in MB (megabytes):
$ free -m
- Type the vmstat command at shell prompt:
$ vmstat
- Type top command at the shell prompt:
$ top
You can use above commands to check memory usage in linux server via SSH

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