Ok, time for some feedback. Hit me with your best shot!


Active member
So, for the last few weeks, I've been shrouded in (somewhat) secrecy, trying to bring to life a project that I've been thinking about for a while now. Welcome to WHMCS Guru!!

I'd really appreciate it if you'd take a few minutes, browse through the site, give me any realistic feedback on load times, site specific stuff. Yes, the products / services are real, and live. Ads will be run in the next day or two, after enough people try to break it and come back with what needs to be fixed.

Being that very picky individual that I am, everything had to be 100% perfect before I opened up the site. While I'm sure there's still quite a few things missing, hey, that's why I'm here opening this thread, right?

Hit me with your best shot... Fire away !!!
I love how clean it is, very trendy. If I were to do one thing is change the logo. I am not a fan of it, I think it breaks the overall look. Even if you go for something more clean (just a nice type), it'll look better. The existing one doesn't fit, in my opinion.

Sowwy.. :(
Yeah, the logo seems to be a point of contention across the board ;) . I just put it there as a placeholder. Sadly, I'm really not a graphic designer, and despite placing a few ads, have yet to find one that can follow basic instructions .
I almost like everything. I like the theme looks straight forward enough and the load time where I am was pretty good enough. I neither like your Favicon nor your Logo. I also kind of dont like the font colours on the addons page i.e [more info][order now] [documentation][discussion] Its not an entry page. I have chosen to come to that page so why are the colours shouting? Otherwise I like.
Ohh And I think its intended that when I directly hit the register menu I get a 403
Forbidden error. However if that is intended make that page more friendly and polite by letting the user know why they hit a dead end.
Yeah, the logo seems to be a point of contention across the board ;) . I just put it there as a placeholder. Sadly, I'm really not a graphic designer, and despite placing a few ads, have yet to find one that can follow basic instructions .

yes site looks clean, but as other state logo looks out of place.

if you dont mind placing a link back on your site then give Chris Green at http://free-logo.co.uk/ a shout.

He does all my logos and all for free as i am no graphic designer
Ohh And I think its intended that when I directly hit the register menu I get a 403
Forbidden error. However if that is intended make that page more friendly and polite by letting the user know why they hit a dead end.

403 wasn't intentional by any means. There was an htaccess rule put into place that denied a ton of stuff it shouldn't have. That rule has been removed, thanks for pointing that out , it's why I started the thread, to weed out the nasty stuff ;)
if you dont mind placing a link back on your site then give Chris Green at http://free-logo.co.uk/ a shout.
I don't mind linkbacks (see the ramnode link at the bottom of the page ;)) , but I'd rather not go there. I created another thread to see if someone can do some good work. It's just hard finding people who actually can pay attention to details and do what's needed.
I do believe those logo problems should be fixed. Going to have him do some more work, but this is MUCH better than that original garbage that I put out there.

Favicon should be up as well in the next day or so ;)
I don't mind linkbacks (see the ramnode link at the bottom of the page ;)) , but I'd rather not go there. I created another thread to see if someone can do some good work. It's just hard finding people who actually can pay attention to details and do what's needed.

if you dont want a linkback then he also has this site 10poundlogo.co.uk, so basically the same logos, but you pay £10 rather than a link back

Below is a list of logos he has done for us

https://niceday-hosting.co.uk/images/Niceday Logo.png
I want to say that I appreciate the feedback that's been given both here and at that other place that shall not be named immensely. Thank you all. This is why I create threads like this, to get honest reviews and see what needs to be changed.

Pretty sure I've got everything covered here, but hey, if you guys see something else, do let me know :)

Clean and easy to navigate. Load time is not very good but acceptable.
Suggestions: Formatting of font size, type. Line breaks etc.
Pricing can come before description of service.
Site looks fine, but your addons page appears scrambled with columns scattered all over the place. The contrast on your copyright notice could be better.

Love the blog. Already read through a number of articles. Good stuff.
Your website has the professional and clean look. The navigation bar at the top makes it easy for visitors to find out the main sections of the site. Good job!:)

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