Need sponsored hosting for a popular website

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Hello all!

I need sponsored hosting for a website that has big potential in gaining traffic. The site already exist for one month now, and we have some hosting problems at the moment, so we're looking for a reliable host for a sponsored hosting partnership.

I need a host that can service a lot of visits, and give a lot of bandwidth.
We're planning to go up to 5k unique visits per day in near future, but expect ~2-2.5k to be the daily average. The site is using Wordpress.

I will be needing:
*300GB of bandiwdth
*20-30GB of HDD space
*PHP, MySQL support

I offer in return:
*text or image ad on our website
*special blog entry on our official blog
*detail reviews of your hosting on related websites

Any other information you might need, you can ask here, via private messages or on my email
With that kind of traffic, you need sponsored hosting?


If you had Adsense or something similar with that much traffic, you could easily afford a VPS or better with the amount of revenue traffic like that usually generates.
Considering this is the third time you have requested sponsored hosting here you should be able to provide some sort of site stats and ROI for the sponsoring host.
Another item that will help people make a desicion is the TYPE of hosting that you require and the type of site that you are displaying.

A Gamer website with that much traffic wouldn't appeal to someone who sells knitting designs. If you really want to push the request over the edge and receive legitimate offers, please provide the URL to the site - users can then review the site for themselves and make an offer to you.
Another item that will help people make a desicion is the TYPE of hosting that you require and the type of site that you are displaying.

A Gamer website with that much traffic wouldn't appeal to someone who sells knitting designs. If you really want to push the request over the edge and receive legitimate offers, please provide the URL to the site - users can then review the site for themselves and make an offer to you.

agreed, i couldn't have said it any better myself.:smash:
I've found postings in google related to this same user which state that in December they were looking for sponsored hosting as their host shut them down. So I'm guessing they received hosting elsewhere and are now looking again? Why do hosts keep shutting down a site with so much traffic and exposure for their sponsorship?

Information from the OP is sorely needed. All users are advised to take caution on this kind of sponsorship due to trending over the past few months.
After a little more research I would suggest all to AVOID this user.
He has been requesting free hosting since as early as 2007 on forums and his site is Warez related.

No reputable host would deal with this character.
After a little more research I would suggest all to AVOID this user.
He has been requesting free hosting since as early as 2007 on forums and his site is Warez related.

No reputable host would deal with this character.

i withdraw my offer then. thanks guys for doing the research i should have
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