Need Feedback


Hello Team

Can you pleas suggest changes for our site ?

We are going for redevelopment and need some valuable feedback.

We appreciate your time for giving look on our site.
You need to properly go through your website and do some proof reading.

I'll break down things I've noticed in to quotes for you.


Too many s' on days.

Enterprise Level SAN Storage

Enjoy the superfast speed for your website with Hostvento SSD Drive. SSD drives are more faster than any other hard drive and that is why we use SSD drives, to provide maximum speed for your websites.
This doesn't read right and you can't use 'more faster', it either delivers more of something or it's faster.

Server Monitoring

Our servers are continuously monitored by our monitoring team to make sure we meet our 99.9% uptime SLA. We are ready to take intimidate action if anything wrong with services or server.

Intimidating is never a good thing! I'm sure this is meant to say immediate.

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content

A few parts of the homepage say this. Is this a template? You might want to remove that, it's like leaving lorem ipsum in.

I'm not questioning the legitimacy of these, but they really don't read well or right at all.

Boost your site with Attract SEO tools and other inbuild 30+ tools for SEO Signup now and start SEO for your site toady.

cutting edge SEO tools to boost your site’s visibility to all the leading search engines. If you're hoping to attract as many visitors as possible, this feature will be right up your alley!

Lots of typos. Inbuild = built in. Today spelt wrong. Cutting edge needs a capital C.

Out Guarantee
We’ve got the most experienced hosting professionals on our team, meaning once your site goes up, it stays up. Don’t worry about maintenance or stress over server down-times, as we’re here to make sure your site is running smoothly. Our award-winning service can guarantee 99.9% uptime and a 30 Days money-back satisfaction guarantee. There’s no reason to not give it a shot.

Should probably be titled 'Our Guarantee'.


Fully whitelabled reseller hosting
100% white label hosting means you and your company can take full ownership of Hostvento’s service, and all of the special benefits that come along with it. As a reseller, it is important to get your name out there, which is why we are happy to hand over the reins to you, while still offering all of the support any of our other clients can expect.

Missing an e in white labeled and I'm sure it should be two words too.

when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Lorem ipsum text left on page still.

Unlimited Domains,Email Accounts, MySQL Databases, FTP Accounts
Flexible, Easy to Use Control Panel (cPanel Demo | WHM Demo)
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
Private Name Servers based on your Domain
Safe Harbor Certified (Details)

All the drop-downs under Tech Specs contain the same text.


FREE cPanel
Free cPanel and WHM licensing comes standard. Because of the importance of these programs to the regular upkeep of any Linux-based site, we don’t hesitate to offer them to you without any additional cost. It is almost a $500 value, so signing up for a VPS with Hostvento means maximum bang for your buck.

The promise we make is 99.9% system uptime. We don’t need to stress the importance of reliable service, but we like to let our clients know what they can expect with Hostvento. It isn’t hard to understand why it is so important — reliable service means active websites, which is the number one priority.

You aren't providing a $500 value product, because you aren't physically giving them a lifetime cPanel licence. Might be worth rewriting that bit.

Unlimited Domains,Email Accounts, MySQL Databases, FTP Accounts
Flexible, Easy to Use Control Panel (cPanel Demo | WHM Demo)
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
Private Name Servers based on your Domain
Safe Harbor Certified (Details)

All the drop-downs under Tech Specs contain the same text.


FREE cPanel
As a $425 bonus, we throw in free cPanel and WHM service. These programs allow web administrators to have full control over their online platform. With an easy user interface and all the options you will ever need, they make managing your site a breeze.

100% Dell, our servers are built to last. It’s how we are able to guarantee quality and consistent service to our customers; we only use the best hardware available.

As above really, but different value being quoted for cPanel?

Unlimited Domains,Email Accounts, MySQL Databases, FTP Accounts
Flexible, Easy to Use Control Panel (cPanel Demo | WHM Demo)
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
Private Name Servers based on your Domain
Safe Harbor Certified (Details)

All the drop-downs under Tech Specs contain the same text.


I ran out of time to go through the rest of the pages too. But there's also lots of circumstances where brand names haven't been spelt with capital letters etc

Your business website is where your potential customers make their judgement call on you. If they see content that doesn't add up, spelling mistakes and other issues.. they start to think something isn't right and they leave your website.

Just take a bit of time to go through it all, because it really matters.

I hope this all helps and best of luck with your business venture. I'll send you the bill for my time ;)
Last edited:
I see you bought the template that was on sale at WHT.

has good, things I do not like much.

but I feel good.
Wow, Jason above has gone above and beyond to point out what might be one of the most critical elements of a professional website - great wording. It is definitely worth hiring an editor to go over all the content.

As for the website, you have one of the better ones I've seen. I've always enjoyed "characters/superheroes" built for hosting brands. However, I feel like the trend for those is passing and if you are to rebuilt the website, I would go more streamline, more simple kind of look.

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