Need Budget Dedicated Server (High Bandwidth)

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I run a Rapidshare Link Generator site. My site allows visitors to generate a free premium link for links and it does this by leeching the file to the server and then it gives a link to the user to download it. After 30-60 minutes the file(s) gets deleted.

I am currently running the site in a VPS but the problem is that at peak times the CPU/Load usage goes very high and my VPS has been suspended twice. My site is barely 2 weeks old and is already getting a little over 1,000 visitors a day.

I am looking for a Budget Dedicated Server. The specs. that I would need:

CPU: I have no idea but it needs to handle peak time traffic.
Ram: 1 gig or higher
HDD: at least 60 gigs ( and I will barely use 30 gigs)
Bandwidth: I will need a lot, 10mbit unmetered or 5,000/month in a 100mbit port
Control Panel: Direct Admin or Cpanel
Good Uptime
Good/Fast Support

Budget:$60-80 per month. I am willing to put the Host's Ad(s) at the top of my website and/or a link back to get a good or better deal. If my budget is too low or any suggestions please let me know.

Thank You
May want to check out The Planet for their server specials or their unmetered selection;

They're close to your budget range (without cpanel).

With regards to your CPU and Load going high, what are your current specs on the VPS? Are you running other things such as Mail, MySQL, SpamAssassin etc on the server, or strictly for serving up the link and files?
May want to check out The Planet for their server specials or their unmetered selection;

They're close to your budget range (without cpanel).

With regards to your CPU and Load going high, what are your current specs on the VPS? Are you running other things such as Mail, MySQL, SpamAssassin etc on the server, or strictly for serving up the link and files?

My VPS SPecs:

Space: 30 gigs
Dedicated Ram: 768 megs.
Burstable Ram: 2 Gigs.
Bandwidth: Unmetered

I am running MySQL, but other than that nothing else. My script doesn't use a MySQL database.

Thanks for the suggestions, any other provider?
If you increase the memory on the VPS does that relieve some of the pressure on the CPU? 728MBwith the 2GB burst is decent, but if you crank the memory up does that do anything to help?

With a VPS, the whole point of it is that the actions of a user in an environment wouldn't affect the actions of another user in a different part of the machine. While your site may run slow, and may produce an error or something, it's odd that the host would be suspending the account for CPU usage. I've not seen hosts suspend VPS Accounts for CPU usage before.
A lot of dedicated providers could probably custome design a solution for you. More often than not, simply calling a few will get you some quick answers so you can start expanding your business.
Joe's Datacenter and Wholesale internet both have some good deals. I've seen some decent reviews lately for FDCservers also.
If you increase the memory on the VPS does that relieve some of the pressure on the CPU? 728MBwith the 2GB burst is decent, but if you crank the memory up does that do anything to help?

With a VPS, the whole point of it is that the actions of a user in an environment wouldn't affect the actions of another user in a different part of the machine. While your site may run slow, and may produce an error or something, it's odd that the host would be suspending the account for CPU usage. I've not seen hosts suspend VPS Accounts for CPU usage before.

My VPS most of the time is using less than 500 megs of memory, so memory is not the problem.

I have found the following deal with

ATOM 330 (dual core) + 2GB RAM + 200GB HDD $49/month
10Mbps Unmetered

will this work fine for what I need?

Usually it's memory that contriubtes to the increase on CPU Loads. I guess, for me anyway, I'd need to know what "CPU/Load usage goes very high" is, and what is causing the CPU load.

I mean you can tell me that there's a leak in your house and you have a bucket underneath it but you keep having to dump water out. If I put a bathtub under it, will that work. The answer is still not determined as is it a small hole or a is there a 5' hole, and what caused it and could it happen again.

Same on a VPS or server. What causes the high loads, what are you doing to address that, or are you just putting a larger "bucket" under it and hoping there's enough room.
With this budget, I suggest to increase your RAM and CPU usage within a VPS environment rather than going to a cheap dedicated server. most VPS servers has redundant power supply, RAID 10 so your data is more secure, but if you decide to go for a dedicated server anyway, mainly think of your backups and never make them on the same drive.
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