How to check bandwidth usage in linux?

- Login as root and run the following iftop command
- iftop does for network usage what top does for CPU usage. It listens to network traffic on a named interface and displays a table of current bandwidth usage by pairs of hosts
# iftop
There are many tools available to check the bandwidth of linux server through SSH. Like ifstat, vnstat, dstat, iftop, iptraf, nethogs. Most of them are not pre-installed so you will need to install them.
You have to install tools in order to check bandwidth usage in Linux and tools and installation of tools depends in OS version. Some of tools are mentioned below.

a. nload
run command "nload" in terminal, it will show the live usage.

b. iftop
run command "iftop" in terminal, it will show the live usage.

c. iptraf
run command "iptraf" in terminal, it will show the live usage.
you can try nload or iftop commands to monitor network bandwidth. To go further, you can use a tool like munin to monitor almost all your services and devices.

You can install the following command line monitoring tools. These commands are very useful to monitor network and find bandwidth bottlenecks.

  • nload
  • bmon
  • cacti
  • iftop
  • iptraf

Please refer to the this <URL snipped>.
Use the Windows key + I keyboard shortcut to open the Settings app. Click Data usage. Under Overview, you'll see the total data usage from the last 30 days for Wi-Fi and Ethernet connections. Click the Usage details link to view network data usage for all your applications installed on your compute
Nload is a commandline tool that allows users to monitor the incoming and outgoing traffic separately. It also draws out a graph to indicate the same, the scale of which can be adjusted. Easy and simple to use, and does not support many options.

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